Europaudvalget 2023-24
EUU Alm.del Bilag 328
President Hadja Lahbib
Council of the EU
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175
B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel
Secretary-General Thérèse Blanchet
The General Secretariat of the Council
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175
B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel
Dear President of the General Affairs Council, dear Secretary General,
We have understood that the Council Secretariat is currently considering
revoking the access of national parliaments to the Delegates Portal system.
We would like to take this opportunity to stress that such a revocation of our
access would undermine our possibilities to carry out effective parliamentary
scrutiny of decision-making in the Council.
We are aware that the Council Secretariat has suggested using the Council
Information Exchange Platform (CIXP) as the main system for our access to
Council documents. However, the CIXP does not offer the same functionality
as the Delegates Portal. The experience with CIXP is that it is not a stable
system and that certain functionalities, such as searching for information, is
hardly possible. Furthermore, moving from one centrally managed system to
a system where the Member States each have to establish their own portals
in order to provide access to the CIXP is contrary to the very idea of EU
cooperation. It would limit our access to documents while at the same time
increasing the administrative burdens at Member State level.
At a time where increasing transparency of the work carried out in the
European institutions is of evident relevance, we believe that the proposal to
remove our access to the Delegates Portal would be the wrong signal to
send. We need to work together to increase transparency and the democratic
legitimacy of the work of the Council. Removing National Parliaments’ access
to Delegates Portal would therefore be a big step in the wrong direction and
run counter to what is foreseen in Articles 4 and 12 of the Treaty on the
European Union (TEU) and Protocol (No 1) of the Treaty on the Functioning
of the European Union (TFEU).
We would furthermore like to encourage you to take all possible steps to
increase the accessibility of information to all national parliaments.
We hope to discuss the issue further and look forward to your response.
9. February 2024
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EUU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 328: Fælles brev fra en række nationale parlamenter til Rådet vedr. adgang til Rådets interne dokumenter (Delegates Portal)
On behalf of:
Chairman of the Standing Committee on
Foreign and European Affairs of
the House of Representatives of
the Republic of Cyprus,
Mr. Vladislav VILÍMEC,
Chair of the EAC of
the Czech Senate
Mr. Ondřej BENEŠÍK, Chairman
of the Committee on European
Affairs of
the Czech Chamber of Deputies.
Chairperson of the Committee on European
Union Affairs,
the German Bundestag
Ms. Liisa-Ly PAKOSTA,
The Chair of the Riigikogu's EU Affairs
the Riigikogu, the Parliament of Estonia
1st Vice President and Chair of the
European Affairs Committee of
the Hellenic Parliament
Mr. Jean-François RAPIN,
Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs
the French Senate
Chair of the EU Affairs
Committee of
the Italian Senato della Repubblica
Mr. Alessandro GIGLIO VIGNA,
Chair of the EU Policies Committee
the Italian Camera dei deputati
Mr. Edmunds CEPURITIS,
Chairman of the European Affairs
Committee of
the Parliament of Latvia
Deputy Speaker and
Chairperson of the EU Affairs Committee of
the Parliament of the
Republic of Lithuania
Mr. Gusty GRAAS,
the Chair of the Committee on Foreign and
European Affairs, Cooperation, Foreign Trade and the Greater
Region of
the Chamber of Deputies (Luxembourg)
Ms. Judit VARGA,
Chair of the Committee on European Affairs
the Hungarian National Assembly
Mr. Reinhold LOPATKA,
Chairman of the Standing Subcommittee on
EU-Affairs of
the Austrian National Council
Mr. Christian BUCHMANN,
Chairman of the EU-Affairs Committee of
the Austrian Federal Council
Mr. Michał KOBOSKO,
Chairman of the European Union Affairs
Committee of
the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Mr. Bogdan KLICH,
Chair of the EU affairs Committee of
the Senate
of the Republic of Poland
Chair of the EU Affairs Committee of
the Assembleia da República Portuguesa
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EUU, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 328: Fælles brev fra en række nationale parlamenter til Rådet vedr. adgang til Rådets interne dokumenter (Delegates Portal)
Chairman of the Committee on European
Affairs of
the Slovak Republic
Mr. Heikki AUTTO,
Chair of the Grand Committee,
the Eduskunta,
the Parliament of Finland
Yours sincerely
Mr. Niels Flemming HANSEN
Chair of the European Affairs
Committee of the Folketing
Ms. Laura BROMET
Acting chair of the European
affairs committee of the Tweede
Chair of the Committee on
European Affairs of the Eerste
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