Alm.del Bilag 14
Donors Delivering for
SRHR 2021
Report Launch Event
Online Panel Discussion, September
16th, 14.30 - 16.00 CET
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)
are essential to human life and a
precondition to social and economic development. Cognisant of this, several
donors across the
globe have made SRHR an integral part of their development strategies.
In the aftermath of
the COVID-19 pandemic, life-saving financing to SRHR is more important than ever. Low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs) are facing significant budgetary shortfalls that hamper their
ability to properly advance SRHR for all, and deteriorate health and gender equality indicators,
contributing to mortality and morbidity worldwide.
According to recent estimates, the
financing of an adequate package of care to meet all
wo e ’s SRH-related
needs in LMICs would need to increase by 83%
(equivalent to $31
billion) compared to the 2019 annual costs
. In Africa alone, it would cost $22.50 per head per
year to meet the SRH service requirements of all women, in contrast to the current annual cost
of $6 per head
. Although many
donors have stepped up political commitment to SRHR and
gender equality, funding trends have been mixed
i rece t ears, ith so e do ors
i est e ts sta i g stead , hile others decreasi g or i creasi g.
The Donors Delivering for SRHR (DDSRHR) report is an accountability tool
tracking donors
disbursements to Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH), Family
Planning (FP) and SRHR.
This latest edition presents data from 2019, setting up a pre-pa
de i aseli e for do ors’
support to SRHR.
Based on these findings, the launch event of the report will discuss why and
how donors need to step up their game in the future.
Guttmacher Institute (2020),
Addi g It Up: I esti g i Se ual a d Reproducti e Health
Gutt acher I stitute
Adding It Up: Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health in the African Union
SRSR, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 14: Invitation til online lancering af rapporten "Donors Delivering for SRHR" og paneldiskussion den 16. september 2021
When? What?
14.30 -
14.35 -
Introduction and moderation
Keynote speech: State-of-play of
the implementation of the ICPD
Programme of Action and how
sustai ed do ors support is ke
Keynote speech: The impact of
SRHR programmes and the need
to increase investments
Presentation of the key findings of
the report
Reactions and perspectives from
the EU and its Member States
EU support to SRHR in partner
Lisa Goerlitz,
Head of Brussels office, DSW
Sietske Steneker,
Director, Representation
Office in Brussels, United Nations Population
Fund - UNFPA
Burnice Waringa,
DSW youth champion
from Kenya
Neil Datta,
Secretary of the European
Parliamentary Forum for SRHR
14.40 -
14.45 -
15.00 -
Representative of the European
DG International
Importance of EU commitment
MEP Charles Goerens
(Renew, LU),
to SRHR and accountability
Political and funding
Member and Renew coordinator DEVE,
and ACP
Ministry of Foreign
commitments made at the GEF
and the role of SHR in the
upcoming French Council
Population, Development and
Affairs, France
Baroness Liz Sugg,
Co-chair of the UK All-
Reproductive Health:
Implications of UK Aid cuts on
SRHR funding
15.20 -
15.50 -
Closing remarks
Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on
Population, Development and
Reproductive Health
Audience and panellists
Lisa Goerlitz,
Head of Brussels office, DSW
Kindly confirm your availability by filling in the
online form here
13 September 2020 COB.