Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del
Member State Questionnaire on the Assessment of
the Tobacco Products Directive
ICF is currently undertaking a study on Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and
administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation
and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC (revised
Tobacco Products Directive)
on behalf of the Directorate-General for Health and Food
Safety of the European Commission (DG SANTE).
The purpose of the study is to examine the practical application of Directive 2014/40/EU
(hereinafter TPD) and its specific provisions, which strengthened existing rules on how
tobacco products are manufactured, produced and presented in the EU, and introduced new
rules for certain tobacco-related products. The study will assess the level of implementation
of the TPD by exploring both achievements and hindering factors.
In particular, the study aims to:
Assess its implementation and levels of compliance: exploring the achievements
and successes of the revised Directive, as well as obstacles and shortcomings
encountered by various stakeholders (Member States, Civil Society
Organisations, health experts, and economic operators);
Generate evidence (through primary and secondary data collection) - in
particular on the inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts of the TPD, with the aim
to assess its overall relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU-
added value.
The study will be used by the Commission for the preparation of its report on the application
of the TPD, required by Article 28 of the Directive.
Purpose of consultation
The purpose of the consultation is to collect information and gather views from relevant
authorities of EU Member States bound by the Directive on its implementation. We
encourage you to elaborate on your replies and provide references to publicly accessible
studies, surveys, court cases or any other documentation that you consider relevant.
If you have any questions with regard to the study, please do not hesitate to contact the
project manager of the study: Christina Dziewanska-Stringer,
[email protected]
Your details
Table 1.1 Respondent's details
Contact persons:
Ministry of Health: Maria Larsen
Danish Safety Technology Authority: Carl
Christian Lange
Danish Health Authority: Hanne Vibjerg
Ministry of Taxation: Elisabeth Carstensen
Maria Larsen:
[email protected]
Carl Christian Lange:
[email protected]
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Hanne Vibjerg:
[email protected]
Elisabeth Carstensen
[email protected]
Contact number
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Questions on general implementation
This series of questions asks about your views on how successful the TPD has been in achieving or supporting progress towards its objectives,
including facilitating the smooth functioning of the internal market and ensuring a high level of human health protection, since it entered into force on
19 May 2014.
Has your Member State faced any issues in
transposing the TPD?
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, for example, any issues with specific articles.
Mostly regarding the tracking and tracing system, due to the complexity of the system.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
From the point of a market surveillance authority we have faced no major issues beside what could be expected. It must be underlined that we are not
responsible for transposing the Directive into national legislation. As it is with all new legislation it has taken time to familiarize retail, distributors and
importers with new legislation. This has been clearer when dealing with electronic cigarettes, as the market was rather new and largely divided between
many independent smaller economic operators.
The final implementation of the Directive, namely track and trace, has proved very difficult for some parts of the retail sector and some distributors and
Did you find the guidance received from the
Commission on transposing the TPD (for
example, through discussions at Expert
Groups, Sub-Groups or guidance documents)
clear and useful?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Especially meetings in the Expert Group on Tobacco Policy and Sub-Groups have been useful. Danish authorities have participated in the available
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Being an enforcement authority, we would like to have seen more focus on this aspect of the TPD, like the meeting that was organized in Copenhagen in
Overall, have economic operators been
compliant with the TPD in your Member
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The level of compliance has differed much among various parts of the sector, so the question cannot be answered in a uniform way. In general it can be
said that larger operators such as retail outlets forming part of a larger cooperation has been more compliant than individual operators. In general
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Member State response
compliance has been better when dealing with tobacco than with electronic cigarettes. We believe this is mainly due to the fact that electronic cigarettes
today, and even more so 4 years ago, was an young and emerging market, which previously has not been heavily regulated.
Has the TPD achieved its objectives, i.e.
improved the functioning of the internal
market while reducing smoking prevalence?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
We believe that the TPD has improved the functioning of the internal market. We are not familiar with studies examining the Directive´s impact on smoking
prevalence in Denmark, but we believe that the TPD has improved tobacco control and contributed to a strengthened focus on regulating tobacco products
and electronic cigarettes.
In your view, has the TPD improved public
health in your Member State (e.g. increased
awareness of the harmfulness of products;
decreased smoking rates)?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including any relevant provisions.
Smoking rates in Denmark have not decreased since the TPD II came into force. It is hard to determine how smoking rates would have evolved it the TPD
had not been in place. However, we find it likely that the same level of regulation would not have been put in place at that time if it had not been for the TPD.
Yes / No.
If yes, please provide the most recent results (web link or attachment)
We collect data through a national survey that outlines the status of the Danish smoking habits (5,017 Danish citizens in the age of 15 years and above).
Data from 2019 are not published yet, but the results from 2018 can be found here:
For data on prevalence of use in the age group 11-15 years, please refer to Health Behaviour in School-aged Children
Latest available data are from 2018.
For data on prevalence of use in the age group 16-24 years, please refer to The Danish National Health Survey:
Latest available data are from 2017.
Does your Member State collect national data
on the level of prevalence of use in the under
25 years of age consumer group?
Has the TPD changed tobacco and related
product use in young people in your Member
Yes: it has increased use;
Yes: it has decreased use;
No: it has not changed use.
Please elaborate.
We have not seen a decline in smoking rates or tobacco consumption among young people since the Directive entered into force. We do not have
knowledge of any evaluation of the effect of the TPD on tobacco use among young people. The ban on snus may have had a positive impact on snus use
among young people.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Member State response
For the next set of questions, we would like to ask you about the extent to which the TPD and its objectives are still relevant and meeting needs,
considering scientific, technical and epidemiological developments. We are interested in if the TPD is flexible and has the capacity to evolve to
withstand developments in the sector.
In your view, has the TPD remained relevant
to address new market developments in your
Member State, including types of emerging
products? (For example, heated tobacco
products or nicotine containing products).
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
We recognize that ensuring that the TPD address all new market developments is challenging and that efforts have been made to ensure the continued
relevance of the directive. However, some market developments have not been fully addressed by the directive, for instance heated tobacco products and
non-tobacco containing nicotine products. The wording concerning novel products may result in different national regulations within the EU. Also, e-liquids
containing THC etc. and shake and vape e-liquids are challenging.
It has proven challenging to establish whether notified novel tobacco products were to be categorized as smokeless tobacco products or tobacco products
for smoking.
In your view, is the TPD ‘future proof’, as new
Yes / No / To some extent.
societal, technical and scientific developments
Please elaborate.
occur in the sector?
Please refer to the answer above.
We would like the Directive to be more adaptable in order to ensure that the directive remains relevant when the market evolves. Also, we find it important
that the Directive does not create unintended restrictions for countries that wish to impose further restrictions to reduce tobacco use.
From a health perspective, we would like to see a continued focus on ingredients.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Member State response
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
It might be useful to include heated tobacco and nicotine products in future updates of the directive. One could imagine in future updates of the directive,
not to included specific standards, as these might as the years pass by prove problematic or out dated. If standards were agreed in other legislative acts,
these could be easier updated.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Questions in this sub-section concern your views on the administrative burdens imposed by the TPD and their magnitude in relation to the benefits
Has the practical implementation of the TPD
created significant additional administrative
burdens in your Member State?
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
For 2019 the total cost of market surveillance of tobacco and electronic cigarettes was approximately 7.5 million DKK (1 million EURO) for Tobacco, which
we intend to increase to 8.9 million DKK (1.2 million EURO) in order to increase our surveillance of the track and trace system. For electronic cigarettes the
total cost for 2019 was approximately 10.8 million DKK (1.4 million EURO).
Please refer to the cost data template also provided.
Would you consider that the benefits the TPD
brings to consumers outweigh the overall
costs that are being incurred to implement the
Directive? To what extent were you able to
recover some of the costs incurred via fees?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
All costs are sought recovered through fees. For tobacco the fees are based on market shares and for electronic cigarettes fees are based on products
reported to the DSTA. The fee structure for electronic cigarettes are currently being revised, as it has proven difficult to recover all costs through fees on
individual products.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Has your Member State provided any specific
support to small and medium enterprises
affected by the TPD?
For the next set of questions, we are interested in your thoughts on the extent to which the TPD is still coherent and consistent internally, i.e. with its
own provisions, as well as with other relevant EU and international legislation that is linked to the TPD.
Member State response
Has your Member State faced any issues with
Yes / No / To some extent.
TPD provisions being inconsistent or
Please elaborate.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
incoherent with each other? For example,
have the requirements of one article
contradicted the requirements of another?
Member State response
Has your Member States faced any issues
with TPD provisions being inconsistent or
incoherent with other EU legislation, for
The Tobacco Taxation Directive
The audio-visual media services
Tobacco Advertising Directive
Smoke Free Environments
Single Use Plastics Directive
Market Surveillance Regulation
The CLP Regulation for
(Classification, Labelling and
General Product Safety Directive
REACH (Regulation (EC) No
The definition of tobacco products is different from the definition in the Tobacco Advertising Directive.
We find it important that the directive ensures a high degree of protection of human health and that it is made more clear that the Member States retain the
power to impose further requirements in order to protect public health. We believe that restrictions introduced by Member States should be assessed in
light of the need to take precautionary actions due to the particular harmfulness of tobacco and other nicotine products.
Has your Member State faced any issues with
Yes / No / To some extent.
TPD provisions being inconsistent or
Please elaborate.
incoherent with FCTC guidelines, including
Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in
We have not ratified the FCTC Protocol.
Tobacco Products?
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
EU added value
The final few questions are about your views on the extent to which the TPD adds value at the EU level, in a way that may not be attainable at a
national or global level.
Has the TPD added value to the regulation of
tobacco and tobacco-related products across
the EU?
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate
For instance with regards to ingredients, e-cigarettes, labelling and packaging.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
From a market surveillance perspective, we believe it is beneficial to have a common legislation across the EU.
Do you feel that the effects of the TPD on
smoking consumption or the illicit trade could
have been achieved at the level of your
Member State, without EU-level involvement?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate
We do not have data on the impact of the TPD on tobacco consumption but find it likely that this level of regulation would not have been achieved at the
national level in the same period. One of the reasons being that the TPD regulates numerous technical issues that we as a Member State do not have the
means to examine to the same degree.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We believe it is beneficial that the track and trace system has been implemented across the EU, with one common system, instead of numerous local
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Questions by article of interest
Article 2: Definitions
Member State response
and key
The directive sets
out 41 definitions to
be applied.
Clear definitions are
indispensable to
ensure that this
Directive is
implemented by
Member States.
Have the definitions in the TPD been
clear and unambiguous enough to
allow for clear interpretation and
Yes / No / Some unclarities and ambiguities.
Please elaborate: If you consider one or more definitions to be unclear and/or ambiguous, please describe them here and propose improvements.
The definition of smokeless tobacco has proven challenging with regards to the classification of novel tobacco products.
The Danish Health Authority notes that there is no joint specific or accepted level for addictiveness, toxicity or CMR (art. 7, 9).
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
(6) + (8) The definition of chewing tobacco and oral tobacco is unclear. Both products are presented in sachet portions or porous sachets. We have
experienced that the consumer is confused whether the product is chewing tobacco or oral tobacco. Furthermore we have experienced that the rules are
circumvented by means of the unclear definition and the similarities between the products
(16) The definition of an electronic cigarette have not been clear to the manufacturers, importers and retailers. The expression
“the device without cartridge
or tank” has been a subject to discussion several
times. The submitters, think that the rules are unclear and can be interpreted. In Denmark we have made
a scheme with an overview of the specific components to verify whether the product need to be notified or not.
(30) The definition of ’unit packet’ regarding refill containers containing nicotine. It has been unclear whether the unit package was related to the bottle or
the package surrounding the bottle.
For example, definitions including (but
not limited to):
- Novel Tobacco Products
- Electronic cigarettes
- Refill containers
- Roll your own tobacco
However, certain
- Additive
concepts - defined
- Nicotine
within this Directive-
- Chewing, nasal and oral tobacco
may remain
Retail Outlet
unclear, and cause
- Flavouring
- Substantial change of circumstances
issues, and/or
- Flavour/flavouring
- Characterising flavour
- Cross border distance sales
Also, in the light of
various scientific,
technological and
some of the current
Have you experienced any particular
issues with the classification of
products, based on how they are
defined in the Directive (e.g.
“smokeless tobacco products” versus
“tobacco products for smoking”)?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Please refer to the answer to the question above.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
and key
definitions may no
longer be relevant
or appropriate.
*Please refer to
Article 2 of the TPD
for the full list.
Have the definitions laid out in the
TPD remained relevant in view of
scientific, technological and market
Member State response
The Danish Health Authority finds that the differences between snus and chewing tobacco are in practice very small, and the Health Authority experiences
that people do not see or know the difference between the products, because the products are very similar. They would like TPD to define the differences
more clearly and technically to make it easier to regulate and control the products.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate: If you consider one or more definition to be irrelevant in view of scientific, technological and market developments, please describe them
Please refer to the answers above.
From a health perspective it might be relevant to look into the definition
of cigars/cigarillos, taking into account the existence of for instance “little cigars”.
Are there any other products or
categories for which a definition
should be included in the Directive?
Yes / No.
Please elaborate.
It could be considered to define heated tobacco products and nicotine products not containing tobacco.
From a health perspective, if it is unclear how a new product should be classified, it would be preferable if the product had to be treated as the more
harmful product category by default.
Danish Safety Technology Authority finds that it could be relevant to include definitions of tobacco containing products as blunts, wraps etc. They have had
difficulties in categorising these products.
Are the concepts as defined in this
Directive consistent with other EU
legislative instruments (e.g. Tobacco
Taxation Directive, Tobacco
Advertising Directive, Audio-visual
Media Services Directive) or other
legislation at National level?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate: have inconsistencies led to any implementation issues in practice?
The TPDII and the Tobacco Advertising Directive are not consistent. The definition of tobacco products in the TPD is different from the definition in the
Tobacco Advertising Directive.
Has your Member State encountered
any other difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of this
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
and key
Member State response
See answers above.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 2.
Article 3: Maximum emission levels for tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and other substances
Member State response
and key
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
The TPD sets
maximum emission
levels from
cigarettes placed on
the market or
manufactured in the
Member States for
tar, nicotine, and
carbon monoxide.
Are the provisions on maximum
TNCO emissions (Article 3(1)) still
relevant in view of scientific and
technological developments?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate: Is there scope or necessity for changing the TNCO limits or introducing other limits?
We consider it relevant to maintain provisions on maximum TNCO-levels, but also to assess the current maximum emission levels.
Has your Member State set limits for
additional maximum emission levels
for cigarettes (Article 3(3))?
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes: Please elaborate, including when the Commission was notified.
We are not currently considering setting limits for maximum emissions levels for cigarettes. To ensure uniform regulation of the emission levels and due to
the technical aspects we believe there are advantages in handling this at the EU-level.
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes: Please elaborate, including when the Commission was notified.
We are not currently considering setting limits for maximum emission levels for other tobacco products. Again, we find that this matter is better addressed
at the EU-level.
If Member States
set additional
maximum emission
levels for cigarettes,
Has your Member State set limits for
maximum emission levels for other
they must inform
tobacco products (Article 3(3))?
the commission.
In view of new
technical and
these may be no
longer or less
Has your Member State encountered
any other difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of this
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 3.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Article 4: Measurement methods
Member State response
and key
The TPD sets the
methods using ISO
standards for tar,
nicotine, and
carbon monoxide
for cigarettes
placed on the
market or
manufactured in the
Member States.
The measurements
must be verified by
In view of new
technical and
these measurement
methods may be no
longer relevant, in
which case
delegated acts are
foreseen by this
Are provisions on measurement
methods (Article 4(1)) still relevant
in view of scientific and
technological developments?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
We believe that there is a need to investigate and assess the measurement methods, also taking into account the issue of filter ventilation. We find it
important that the emission levels being measured to the greatest extent possible reflect actual levels of emissions that smokers are exposed to. As part of
this work it might be relevant to consider the maximum emission levels as well.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The DSTA notes that the ISO standard reads lower levels of TNCO than other methods, and furthermore that the ISO method is developed by the tobacco
industry. On this basis it is the view of the DSTA that the Commission should initiate a thorough investigation into measurements methods of TNCO. This
being said, we do not at this time possess the necessary professional insight to say if the Canadian Intense method is more correct than the currently used
ISO standards.
Would there be necessity or scope
Yes / No / To some extent.
for changing the measurement
Please elaborate.
methods for emissions from the ISO
method to e.g. the Canadian Intense
Please refer to the answers above.
(CI) method?
Has your Member State faced any
issues with regard to the
appointment and monitoring of
laboratories (Article 4(2))? For
example, in ensuring these are fully
independent from the tobacco
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
How many laboratories have you approved to date? If none, what laboratories do you use for verification?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have not approved any laboratories, and we have not had any applications.
We use LNE located in France for testing.
Has your Member State used any
measurement methods for
emissions for cigarettes other than
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes: Please elaborate, including when the Commission was notified.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
and key
the three specified in Article 4(1)
(Article 4(4))?
Member State response
Has your Member State used any
measurement methods for
emissions for other tobacco
products (Article 4(4))?
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes: Please elaborate, including when the Commission was notified.
Has your Member State charged
manufacturers and importers of
tobacco products proportionate fees
for the verification of these
measurement methods (Article
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The annual fee collected from importers and manufacturers based on market shares, covers all market surveillance, including peer reviews.
Has your Member State
encountered any other difficulties in
the practical application of the
provisions of this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The number of notified products in EUCEG does not reflect the number of products on the Danish market. Manufacturers and importers seem to notify
their products all over the EU. This issue makes it difficult to selects products for a control.
The submitters have no obligation to keep their submissions updated in the EUCEG system. As a member state we have no punitive measures to ensure
that our part of EUCEG only reflects the products that is actually marketed in our country.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 4.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Article 5: Reporting of ingredients and emissions
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
The Directive requires
manufacturers and
importers of tobacco
products to submit to
competent authorities
certain information
concerning the
ingredients and emissions
of tobacco products.
There is an overall lack of
evidence of how this
provision is being
implemented by different
Member States.
Has your Member State faced
any issues in requiring
manufacturers and importers to
submit the required information
in Article 5(1), the statement of
reasoning in Article 5(2), or the
toxicological data in Article
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including if there have been any issues with manufacturers or importers informing about modifications of the composition of a product.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have experienced that submitters do not submit any technical documentation setting out a general description of the additives used and their
properties for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco. The submitters who does not comply with this are often confused of what the content of these
documents should be.
Has your Member State faced
any issues in making submitted
information publicly available on
a website (Article 5(4))? E.g.
have there been issues with
economic operators requesting
information not be published
due to trade secrets?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Please provide a link to the publicly available list.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Our currently available public list can be find here:
Economic operators have marked almost all information in EU-CEG as confidential. The DSTA is currently awaiting the publication from Joint Action on
Tobacco Control, deliverable 5.1
“Report on the principles to distinguish what data is public on confidential”,
including a list of public and confidential
information submitted into EU-CEG and also a final clarification if the Commission will provide a publication tool of this information, or if this will have to be
done on a national level.
Yes / No.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
To some extent consumers uses the public information in order to verify whether the products are legal in Denmark.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, for example any difficulties with scientific capacity to understand and assess data.
Do you know if consumers
make use of the public
information? In what ways / for
what purpose?
Has your Member State faced
any issues with processing and
assessment of submitted
product information?
How has your Member State
reacted to incorrect or
insufficient submissions,
including insufficient data?
Please elaborate, including the actions and follow-up undertaken
Danish Safety Technology Authority_
If the manufacturers or importers have notified insufficient submissions, including insufficient data, we:
Request further information (insufficient submissions)
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Has your Member State faced
any issues in requiring and
assessing manufacturers and
importers to submit the studies
required by Article 5(6)?
Inform the submitter about the incorrect / non-compliant data (hearing of parties)
Prohibit marketing of the product if the product notification is not updated with correct / compliant data
Ultimately the case can be handed over to the prosecuting authority in order to fine the submitter
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Sales volume: the manufacturers and importers are mostly capable of submitting the correct information. When we face issues they are often caused
by the following:
There is no overall consistency in the reported sales volume. Some manufacturers / importers report the sales volume out of the factory and some
the sales volume from the national retailers. There is also a difference in which kind of data we receive depending om whether it is a manufacturer or
an importer that submit the data
Some of the annual sales volumes are reported as a zero sale. This is when either the manufacturers / importers have submitted their products in
Denmark, but they are not marketing the products in Denmark or if the marketing of the product is not started yet. Some submit a zero sale when the
product is on the market in retail, but the manufactor has not produced any new products.
Market surveys, internal and external studies: To this day no useful studies have been submitted.
Has your Member State faced
Yes / No / To some extent.
any issues in ensuring that the
Please elaborate.
Commission and other Member
States have access to this
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
information (Article 5(7))?
The information on sales volumes are stored in our case handling system.
Has your Member State used
information made available by
other Member States for the
purposes of applying this
Directive (Article 5(7))?
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Yes, we have used the classification of tobacco products from other countries, when we assess a case, for instance the Swedish classification of oral
tobacco has been used when we have found similar products on the Danish market, categorized by the importer as chewing tobacco.
Do you consider that the EU-
Yes / No / To some extent.
CEG system works effectively?
Please elaborate.
Would any further
developments be required to
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
improve its functioning?
We would firstly refer to the Joint Action on Tobacco control, in which this point as been discussed and worked with in great detail. Specifically we refer to
deliverable 5.6 Report for M1-18 on the potential improvements/alterations identified through Task 3.1, already available here:
content/uploads/2019/09/WP5-D5.6-Report-for-M1-18-on-the-potential-improvementsalterations-identified-through.pdf. To this report DSTA has contributed
both as WP5 leader and with actual input to the report. Furthermore we would refer to deliverable 5.7 within the JATC which is a follow up report on the 5.6
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
The EU-CEG system is working functionally to us, however there is room for improvements. Some examples are mentioned below:
As we have experienced a lot of frustrated submitters, that cannot see the submitted data after loading it into the system, it would be a place for
improvement, if they had a view access to their own submissions after submitting them. We have had a lot of request from the submitters to control
whether or not a specific submission has been completed correctly or submitted to Denmark at all. They would not have made the request if they
were able to see their own submitted data.
In order to ensure more correct data in the submissions, it would be approvable if limit values was predefined for certain fields e.g. emissions.
In order to digitalize our processing of the submission data, it would be valuable if the digital access to the EU-CEG database could be smoother.
The Member States should be able to flag submitted products that need to be removed from the national part of EU-CEG.
What would be the effects on
your work of a possible
European Union database
containing information on
tobacco products, including
Please elaborate, including possible benefits and difficulties with an EU-wide system.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We would not have to make an extension for our present lists of registered products.
Since the Directive came into
force, how many times has your
Member State taken actions
(such as product modification,
product withdrawal, fines, or
other punitive measures)
against manufacturers or
importers due to non-
compliance related to reporting
of ingredients and emissions?
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Based on our updated information in our case handling system from days date, we have taken action 2 times against manufacturers or importers due to
non-compliance related to reporting of ingredients and emissions. Please notice that our system is dynamic and reflects the actual updates submitted in
the EU-CEG.
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 5.
Article 6: Priority list of additives and enhanced reporting obligations
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
The Directive requires
enhanced reporting
obligations for certain
additives contained in
cigarettes and roll-your-
own tobacco that are
included in a priority list.
In addition, Member
States shall require
manufacturers and
importers to carry out
comprehensive studies
and to establish a report
on the results of these
Evidence is needed to
understand whether this
provision is being
implemented and how
MS are implementing it.
Member State response
Has your Member State faced
any issues in requiring
manufacturers and importers to
carry out the comprehensive
studies required in Article 6(2)?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
It is difficult to distinguish the technical reports from Article 5 (3) and the studies required for Article 6(2).
The Danish Health Authority did
not receive any reports on diacetyl, but as we don’t have any products containing this additive, it’s OK.
Has your Member State
assessed reports submitted by
manufacturers or importers to
create the reports required in
Article 6(4)?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including on possible peer-review by a scientific body
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have yet to assess any reports.
Since the publication of the
priority list of additives, has your
Member State taken regulatory
action on any of the ingredients
identified? Is your Member
on taking
regulatory actions of this type?
Yes / No / Considered.
Please elaborate
The Danish Health Authority are waiting for the conclusions and recommendations of the peer review panel.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have taken action on the ingredients Menthol and Diacetyl for the CAS numbers mentioned on the priority list.
For Diacetyl we located which TP-ID’s
contained the ingredient and was missing a submitted study. The result of this was that no product contained Diacetyl
on the Dffanish market
For Menthol we have located which TP-ID’s
contains this ingredient. This ingredient will no longer be permitted in products intended for sale in Denmark as
of 20-05-2020. We will take actions towards these TP-ID’s
if they still contains the ingredient(s) after this date.
New products containing the CAS numbers
mentioned on the priority list will not be allowed to market their products in Denmark after this date.
Has your Member State
charged manufactures and
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
importers proportionate fees for
peer reviews of their reports
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The annual fee collected from importers and manufacturers based on market shares, covers all market surveillance, including peer reviews.
(Article 6(4))?
Since the Directive came into
force, how many times has your
Member State taken actions
(such as product modification,
product withdrawal, fines, or
other punitive measures)
against manufacturers or
importers due to non-
compliance related to additives
and reporting?
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Since the Directive came into force, we have not taken any actions against manufacturers or importers due to non-compliance related to additives and
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 6.
At the moment the expert panel is finalising the peer reviews of the enhanced reporting information submitted by the industry. The Danish Health Authority are waiting for the final report, the conclusions and
recommendations from the peer review panel before taking any action. The Danish Health Authority looks forward to see the report from the peer review panel. The Danish Health Authority is cautious when it comes to
reports from the industry, and they always suggest that regulatory actions are based on independent reports analysing the effects of the additives and not reports from the industry. That said The Danish Health Authority
believes the peer review panel base their conclusions and recommendations on independent literature. In the future The Danish Health Authority suggests that report about effects of the additives are composed by
independents experts and not the industry.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Article 7: Regulation of ingredients
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
The Directive requires that
tobacco product with
characterising flavours be
prohibited. It also requires
independent advisory
panels to assist the
Commission with
determining the
characterising flavours
Tobacco products with
certain additives are also
Has your Member State faced
any issues in prohibiting the
placing on the market tobacco
products containing the
additives listed in Article 7(6)
(vitamins, caffeine, taurine,
Has your Member State faced
any issues in prohibiting the
placing on the market tobacco
products with a characterising
flavour (Article 7(1))?
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have not had any cigarettes or RYO tobacco products with a characterizing flavor notified in Denmark, except for menthol which is legal until 20
May 2020.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate on the practical implementation.
Have you further detailed additives covered by this article?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
According to the submitted data in EU-CEG we have not had any tobacco products containing the additives listed in Article 7(6) (vitamins, caffeine, taurine,
etc.) notified in Denmark.
Yes / No/Under consideration
These provisions only apply
Has your Member State
prohibited any products
Please list the products, if yes.
to certain products, and it is
following scientific evidence of
If yes, did you notify the Commission of all products?
important to understand
their containing additives in
how these bans operate
quantities that increase the toxic
or addictive effect, or the CMR
differently in Member
properties at the stage of
consumption to a significant or
measurable degree (Article
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 7.
For example, does the current system of listing
additives work well, or would you prefer a list with
products or additives?
Articles 8-14: Labelling and Packaging
Article 8: General provisions
Article 9: General warnings and information messages on tobacco products for smoking
Article 10: Combined health warnings for tobacco products for smoking
Article 11: Labelling of tobacco products for smoking other than cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and waterpipe tobacco
Article 12: Labelling of smokeless tobacco products
Article 13: Product presentation
Article 14: Appearance and content of unit packets
Background and
key considerations
Has your Member State faced
This Directive includes
any issues in implementing the
requirements for
provisions concerning general
mandatory health warning
warnings and information
labels and packaging of
messages on tobacco products
tobacco and related
for smoking (Articles 8 & 9)?
products. These
requirements refer to the
use of combined health
warnings consisting of a
Has your Member State faced
picture and a text,
any issues in implementing the
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
information on cessation
services and promotional
elements in and on unit
We want to understand to
what extent are general
provisions on labelling
and packaging being
implemented and if
Member States are facing
any issues implementing
any of the provisions
outlined in this section.
provisions concerning combined
health warnings for tobacco
products for smoking (Article
10), including the minimum
dimension of warnings (Art.
Member State response
Has your Member State
ensured that the provisions for
combined health warning were
properly implemented on
packages with bevelled edges
(see recital 28)? Which action
was taken if not?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please describe how you have addressed the issue.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have based our market surveillance on
“Bevelled and Rounded Edges –
Non-paper for discussion by the Tobacco Products Committee and the Expert
Group on Tobacco Policy”,
from 15
of October 2015.
We continues to monitor tobacco products and their compliance with the TPD provisions regarding health warnings.
Has your Member States
received any claims/complaints
concerning the content or
persons depicted on health
Yes / No.
Please elaborate on the type of those claims and how you addressed them.
Has your Member State faced
any issues in implementing the
provisions of Article 9(3)
concerning the minimum
dimensions of health warnings
on the lateral surfaces of cuboid
packets such as
slim/flat/shoulder-hinged lid-
packs (taking into account the
guidance provided by the
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
On basis of the Commission official guidance issued on September 2017, regarding the minimum dimensions of cuboid packages of cigarettes and roll
your own, the DSTA launched a targeted effort in order to see that the market was compliant. In general the market quickly adopted to the legislation when
stakeholders was confronted with the requirements. One manufacturer disagreed but eventually agreed to change their packages in order to
accommodate the minimum dimensions. We have since this targeted effort not had reports of slim packages etc.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Has your Member State
exempted any tobacco products
for smoking other than
cigarettes, roll-your-own
tobacco and waterpipe tobacco
from the obligations to carry the
information message ‘Tobacco
smoke contains over 70
substances known to cause
(Article 11(1))?
Member State response
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes, please elaborate on the exempt products and any benefits or disadvantages.
All other tobacco products for smoking are exempted from the obligation. They must carry a general warning and a text warning. The general warning
must include a reference to the cessation services - Stoplinien: 80 31 31 31
Has your Member State
exempted any tobacco products
for smoking other than
cigarettes, roll-your-own
tobacco and waterpipe tobacco
from the obligations to carry
combined health warnings
(Article 11(1))?
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes, please elaborate on the exempted products and any benefits or disadvantages.
All other tobacco products for smoking. Please refer to the answer above.
If your Member State has
exempted products in this way,
has it faced any issues in
implementing the alternative
labels described in Article 11?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Has your Member State faced
Yes / No / To some extent.
any issues in implementing the
Please elaborate.
provisions concerning labelling
of smokeless tobacco products
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
(Article 12)?
We have mainly focused on the labelling of cigarettes and roll your own so far. In the upcoming year a targeted effort has been planned for smokeless
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Has your Member State faced
any issues in interpreting and
implementing the provisions
concerning product presentation
(Article 13), e.g. on promotional
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate and provide examples of promotional elements you have dealt with.
There have been challenges, but after a targeted effort by the Danish Safety Technology Authority, compliance has increased.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
On the basis of national legislation and the TPD the DSTA has issued a guidance document, regarding the presentation of tobacco products. It is available
here:, unfortunately only in Danish.
In general we have had quite a few disputes over this matter, both in the regard as to which words / and graphic elements could refer to taste, but also to
strength, social status etc. There is on ongoing court case regarding the use of the word “Royal” on a tobacco product.
Has your Member State faced
any issues regarding the
minimum number of sticks per
pack or any of the other
provisions listed in Article 14
(e.g. for RYO, material/opening
of pack, etc.)
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including on possible further rules on pack sizes.
Since the Directive came into
Please indicate the number of actions taken per Article and elaborate on the issue(s) encountered
force, how many times has your
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Member State taken actions
(such as product modification, We have not taken action against manufacturers or importers due to non-compliance related to labelling and packaging
product withdrawal, fines, or
other punitive measures)
against manufacturers or
importers due to non-
compliance related to labelling
and packaging?
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Should there be stricter/clearer
labelling provisions overall? Or
on any specific products
Member State response
Yes / No.
Please elaborate.
Labelling of non-tobacco containing nicotine products.
Plain packaging
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
From the perspective of a market surveillance unit, the DSTA believe that the rules should be as clear and well defined as possible.
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
Articles 8-14?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
According to the submissions in the EU-CEG, we have had some difficulties in distinguishing between the product types of pipe tobacco and RYOT. We
have experienced that some submitters have changed their product type from pipe tobacco to RYOT or the other way around.
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Articles 8-14.
The current provisions regarding smokeless tobacco products have in practice meant that manufacturers of for instance chewing tobacco have often placed health warnings on the side and bottom of the products,
meaning that the health warming is not visible when the tobacco products are displayed in the shops.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Articles 15-16: Traceability and security features
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
From an authority point of view we faced no major issues in implementing track and trace in regards of appointment of ID-issuer etc. It is still early stages of
the track and trace system, as it has not yet been running one full year, so further experiences is needed, in order to test if everything works as planned.
The EO’s have struggled with the implementation of the track and trace system.
Background and
key considerations
Has your Member State faced
any issues in implementing the
traceability system required by
Article 15 in relation to its
provisions further specified in
The system on traceability
Commission Implementing
and security features
Regulation (EU) 2018/574, for
requires a unique identifier
example in relation to
appointment of an ID issuer and
be placed on unit packs,
full access to the records
cartons, master cases and
created by anti-tampering
shipping cases that are
either manufactured in the
This Directive introduced
an interoperable system
on traceability and security
features at Union level.
EU or imported into the EU
market. All economic
Has your Member State faced
any issues in implementing the
operators from
traceability system required by
Article 15 in relation to its
manufacturing to the first
retail outlet need to track all
provisions not reflected in
Commission Implementing
packs by recording the
Regulation (EU) 2018/574, in
entry, intermediate
particular paragraphs 6
movements, and final exit
(maintenance of records of all
relevant transactions) and 7
of the packs in their
possession. We would like
(provision of equipment)?
to gather your preliminary
experiences with this
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
A target effort focused on track and trace was planned to take place from mid-February and forward. The effort has been halted by COVID-19, and thus at
this point we are still missing adequate data in order to fully say if all relevant transactions are being recorded correctly. As far as equipment goes, it follows
from our national legislation that the DSTA has the authority is fully try the decisions of tobacco manufacturers when it comes to compensation. So far we
have received no formal complaints to this matter.
To what extent is the traceability
Please elaborate.
system (Article 15) helping to
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
fight the illicit trade of tobacco
We merely ensure that the track and trace system is working and that economic operators are reporting correctly, whether it will have an impact on illicit
trade, time will tell.
Has your Member State faced
any issues in implementing the
security features system
required by Article 16, for
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
example in relation to the
tamper proof marker?
Member State response
The Ministry of Taxation has not had any issues implementing the tamper proof marks, as tax stamps were already used on some tobacco products (e.g.
cigarettes and fine cut tobacco), and these stamps met the set criteria for tamper proof marks.
To what extent is the security
features system (Article 16)
helping to fight the illicit trade of
tobacco products?
Please elaborate.
The Ministry of Taxation notes that the security feature system is helping to fight the illicit trade of tobacco products to the same extent as our tax stamps
did before, as we already used tax stamps on some tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes and fine cut tobacco), and these stamps met the set criteria for
tamper proof marks.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
As previously mentioned, that system has been running for less than 1 year, at this time, the DSTA believe it is too early to say anything for certain
regarding the independence from the tobacco industry. For now no issues with independence has been found by the DSTA or brought to the attention of
the DSTA.
To what extent do you expect
the procedures governing the
appointment and monitoring of
ID issuers, providers of
repository services and
providers of anti-tampering
devices to provide for a
sufficient level of independence
from the tobacco industry?
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
these Articles?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Articles 15 & 16.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Article 17: Tobacco for oral use
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have encountered difficulties.
Retailers in Sweden illegally market oral tobacco products to Danish consumers from their website. According to our legislation we only have the possibility
to sanction the retailer. Not the consumer. Oral tobacco products are marketed from social medias, online and physical retailers.
The Danish Health Authority notes that the TPD states that:
“For other
smokeless tobacco products that are not produced for the mass market, strict
provisions on labelling and certain provisions relating to their ingredients are considered sufficient to contain their expansion in the market beyond their
traditional use”. In Denmark, we experience that chewing tobacco is now popular among young people, which indicate that the strict provisions on labelling
etc. are not sufficient to contain their expansion in the market beyond their traditional use.
Are you aware of any efforts to
circumvent the ban on tobacco
for oral use in your Member
Background and
key considerations
The Directive prohibits
placing tobacco for oral
use on the market,
without prejudice to Article
151 of the Act of
Accession of Austria,
Finland and Sweden.
Has your Member State
encountered any difficulties in
implementing the ban on
tobacco for oral use?
Yes / No.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The definition of chewing tobacco and oral tobacco is unclear. Both products are presented in sachet portions or porous sachets. We have experienced
that the rules are circumvented by means of the unclear definition and the similarities between the products.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 17.
The Danish Health Authority notes that it can be an issue for tobacco control on snus that it is possible for Danish consumers to buy snus in Sweden and have it shipped to Denmark.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
1.5.10 Article 18: Cross-border distance sales of tobacco products
Background and
key considerations
The Directive allows
Member States to prohibit
cross-border distance
sales of tobacco products
to consumers. In Member
States where this is not
prohibited, retail outlets
intending to sell products
across borders must
register with the
competent authorities of
the Member State where
the retail outlet is
established and the
Member State where the
consumers are located
Retailers who sell
products across borders
are required to have an
age verification system at
Member State response
Has your Member State
Yes / No.
prohibited cross-border distance
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
sales to consumers (Article
We are not currently considering banning cross-border distance sales.
For countries where cross-
border distance sales are
permitted, which retail outlets
have been registered in your
Member States (Article 18(1))?
How many retail outlets located in your Member State have registered with your competent authority?
5 retail outlets located in our Member State.
How many retail outlets located in another Member State with consumers in your Member State have registered with your competent authority?
How many retail outlets located outside the EU with consumers in your Member State have registered with your competent authority?
9 retail outlets located in another Member State or outside the EU.
Where do you publish the lists
Please describe where the list is published.
of the retail outlets registered in
Please provide the list of registered retail outlets.
your Member State (Article
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The lists are published on our website
List of cross-border distance sales of tobacco products out of Denmark
List of cross-border distance sales of tobacco products into Denmark
Has the pattern of cross-border
Yes; there have been increased cross-border distance sales / Yes; there have been reduced cross-border distance sales / No; there has been no change.
distance sales in your Member
Please elaborate.
State changed in any significant
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
way since the TPD was
Member State response
We do not have data regarding this. It is the Ministry of Taxation´s assessment that there has not been any change in cross-border distance sales
following the implementation of the TPD.
Are you aware of any
unregistered retail outlets
operating (selling tobacco
products) in your Member
Yes / No.
How do you monitor whether unauthorised retail outlets are active in your Member State?
If yes, do you know the origins of these retail outlets (e.g. other Member States; outside the Union)?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
If we receive information regarding illegal sale of tobacco products we check if the website is registered for cross-border distance sales into Denmark. So
far we have primarily focused on the marketing of oral tobacco into Denmark.
What type of age verification
systems are being used in your
Member State? Do these age
verification systems (Article
18(4)) work?
Yes / No / To some extent.9
Please elaborate.
How do you monitor whether they work? What issues have you encountered?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The age verification system set up is, is a system that will ask the user if the user has reached the minimum age (18) for buying tobacco. Please refer to the
answer below regarding the effectiveness of the age verification systems.
Is further action needed
regarding regulating cross-
border sales?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Ensuring that retailers who sell products across borders use effective age verification systems, thus avoiding that tobacco products are sold to
Cross-border sales of snus to Danish consumers.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The DSTA believe that a common developed, adopted and effective age verification system could increase the effectiveness of cross border market
surveillance. Furthermore a further increase in the focus on market surveillance and sharing of best practices across EU member states could also help
increase the effectiveness of the market surveillance of cross border sales.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Since the Directive came into
force, how many times has your
Member State taken actions
(such as product modification,
product withdrawal, fines, or
other punitive measures)
against retailers due to non-
compliance related to cross-
border distance sales?
Please elaborate
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have taken action
time against retailers due to non-compliance related to cross-border distance sales. We have taken actions several times against
retailers selling illegal products to Denmark. If the retailers sell illegal products, for instance snus, that cannot be legally placed on the Danish market, we
do not pursue the matter of a age verification system.
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 18.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
1.5.11 Article 19: Notification of novel tobacco products
Background and
key considerations
Manufacturers and
importers are required to
notify Member States
about novel tobacco
products, including certain
pieces of information in
their notification. Member
States may also require
updates or additional
information, and may also
create systems for
authorising novel
products, as well as
charging manufacturers
and importers fees.
These provisions are
intended to monitor novel
products and protect
consumers’ health,
however there may have
been issues with
implementation of these
requirements, and they
may no longer be relevant
following recent market or
scientific developments.
Have there been any issues in
your Member State with
manufacturers and importers
submitting notifications about
novel tobacco products (Article
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate. If there are any examples of incorrect notification, please give them here.
What types of novel products
have been notified to your
competent authority (Article
19(1))? How have these been
classified (smokeless / for
Please list examples of the main families/systems of notified products and their classification, for example IQOS and Heets sticks.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Heat sticks for IQOS and for NEO.
The products have not yet been classified as smokeless tobacco or tobacco for smoking.
Have there been any issues in
your Member State with
manufacturers and importers
submitting the information
required under Article 19(1)
when notifying a novel tobacco
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Has your Member State
confirmed or authorised
products sooner than 6 months
before they were placed on the
Yes / No.
Please elaborate with details of the type of product.
Has your Member State
required manufacturers or
Yes / No.
If yes: how many times and for which novel products?
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
importers of novel tobacco
products to carry out additional
tests or submit
additional/updated information
(Article 19(2))?
Member State response
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
Please specify any issues with regards to such submissions.
Has your Member State
introduced an authorisation
system for novel products
(Article 19(3))?
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes: how does it work? Within what delay do you provide authorisations?
We are not currently considering introducing an authorisation system (article 19(3)).
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Novel tobacco products are only allowed to be marketed in Denmark if they have been notified to the Danish Safety Technology Authority. Each
manufacturer and importer who wants to market a novel tobacco product must give notification no later than six months before marketing begins.
Notification of a new category of tobacco product costs DKK 36,900 (approx. 5.000 EURO) for each product.
Has your Member State
Yes / No.
prevented any submitted
Please elaborate, describing any barred products.
product entering the market
(through refusal or withdrawal of
Has your Member State
introduced any other specific
requirements related to novel
tobacco products (in addition to
the transposition of this TPD
Have TPD provisions
concerning novel tobacco
products accounted for new
market developments? Do you
Yes / No.
Please elaborate why, their purpose, etc.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
New market developments: Tobacco free nicotine containing products. Heated tobacco products.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
consider that the TPD
appropriately addresses all
types and all aspects of
products (e.g. heat
Which of the provisions of this
Directive apply to novel tobacco
products placed on the market
in your Member State? (Article
Member State response
Smokeless tobacco product provisions / tobacco products for smoking provisions / combination of both.
Please elaborate.
The novel tobacco products that have been notified in Denmark have not been categorized as smokeless tobacco products or tobacco products for
smoking. Which rules apply depends on this categorization.
Since the Directive came into
Please elaborate.
force, how many times has your
Member State taken actions
Neither the Danish Safety Technology Authority nor the Danish Health Authority have taken action against manufacturers or importers due to non-
(such as product modification, compliance related to notification of novel tobacco products.
product withdrawal, fines, or
other punitive measures)
against manufacturers or
importers due to non-
compliance related to
notification of novel tobacco
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 19.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty/ challenges in the practical application of this Article
Danish Health Authority notes that the TPDII does not clarify when a novel tobacco products stops being a novel tobacco product.
1.5.12 Article 20: Electronic cigarettes
Background and
key considerations
Manufacturers and
importers of electronic
cigarettes and refill
containers must notify
Member States before
placing them on the
market, and the
notification must contain
certain information.
Member States are
required to ensure that
certain requirements are
met around these
products, including that
nicotine-containing liquid
does not contain nicotine
Have there been any issues
with manufacturers and
importers submitting
notifications about electronic
cigarettes and refill containers
(Article 20(2))?
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate. If there are any examples of incorrect notification, please give them here.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have experienced issues as:
Submitters are not consistent in choosing product type and / or submission type
Documentation are not sufficiently uploaded, e.g. emission reports
Not unique identification of products regarding product names and / or description of the product
Yes / No / under consideration
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
To some extent.
If the manufacturers or importers have notified insufficient submissions, including insufficient data, we request further information.
Has your Member State
requested completion of
notification information following
incorrect submission (Article
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
in excess of 20 mg/ml and
that electronic cigarettes
and refill containers are
child- and tamper-proof.
Unit packets of electronic
cigarettes and refill
containers also must
contain leaflets with
certain information.
Member State response
Has your Member State faced
Yes / No.
any issues in objectively
Please elaborate, providing examples of issues with such requirements and measurement methods accepted.
assessing technical information
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
submitted on the various
product characteristics required To some extent.
We have experienced lack of e.g. emission reports.
in Article 20(2)? For example,
information on nicotine doses
and uptake (Art 20(2)d)?
Has your Member State
confirmed or authorised
products sooner than 6 months
before they were placed on the
Has your Member State
prevented any submitted
products from entering the
market (through refusal or
withdrawal of application)?
Yes / No.
Please elaborate with details of the type of product/procedure.
Yes / No.
Please elaborate, describing any barred products.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Barred products:
Electronic cigarettes which can be activated by drawing.
Sqounk MODS
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate. Is its application consistent with Article 7(6)?
Has your Member State faced
any issues with quality/safety
requirements in Article 20(3)?
Has your Member State faced
any issues in implementing the
provisions concerning leaflets in
unit packets of electronic
cigarettes (Article 20(4a))?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
The Danish Health Authority notes that Initially, the manufactures claimed difficulties in providing a full list of ingredients on a leaflet and argued that putting
the word “aroma” instead of the full list of ingredients leading to the aroma was in compliance with the TPDII.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Has your Member State faced
any issues in implementing the
provisions concerning unit
packets and outside packaging
of electronic cigarettes,
including ingredients and health
warnings (Article 20(4b and c))?
Has your Member State faced
any issues in interpreting and
implementing provisions of
Article 20(5), which prohibits
commercial communications
and advertising about e-
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The definition
of ’unit packet’ regarding refill containers containing nicotine. It has been unclear whether the unit package was related
to the bottle or the
package surrounding the bottle.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, describing challenges e.g. promotion on social media, cross border sporting events or magazines, online publications.
The Consumer Ombudsman
the authority responsible for enforcing Article 20(5)
notes that as an enforcement authority, it can be challenging to assess
when an activity is covered by the far-reaching advertising ban and when the activity is purely legal product information. The Consumer Ombudsman has
interpreted the prohibition on advertising so that it is covered by the advertising definition itself if a company that sells e-cigarettes uses a name that includes
e-cigarettes or associates with e-cigarettes, since the use of the name in our opinion will be aimed at promoting the sale of e-cigarettes or have the direct or
indirect effect. The same applies to such companies’ use of profiles on social media, such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram
and the distribution of
The Consumer Ombudsman has also found that there is not enough understanding in the industry that it is not allowed to promote e-cigarettes when it is
legal to sell the products.
Has your Member State faced
any issues in implementing
provisions concerning cross-
border distance sales (Article
18) specifically related to e-
cigarettes (Article 20(6))?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Retail outlets located in another Member State or outside the EU that are registered at the Danish Safety Technology Authority for cross-border distance
sales often market non-compliant products to the Danish consumers.
Has your Member State faced
Yes / No / To some extent.
any issues in requiring
Please elaborate.
manufacturers and importers to
submit the market data required The quality of the submitted information is a challenge.
in Article 20(7)?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
To some extent some submitters have been confused of what the requirements has been for Article 7 (ii), (iii) and (iv)
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Member State response
How has your Member State
monitored market developments
concerning electronic cigarettes
and refill containers, including
any evidence that their use is a
gateway to nicotine addiction
and ultimately traditional
tobacco consumption among
young people and non-smokers
(Article 20(7)?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
The prevalence on e-cigarette
use is part of the yearly survey “The survey on smoking prevalence in Denmark” (Danskernes Rygevaneundersøgelse).
A larger proportion of non-smokers among children and adolescents have tried electronic cigarettes than among adult non-smokers (source: Danish
Health Authority. E-cigarettes and Health, 2019).
Has your Member State faced
any issues in making submitted
information publicly available on
a website (Article 20(8))? E.g.
have there been issues with
economic operators requesting
information not be published
due to trade secrets?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Please provide a link to the publicly available list.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Our currently available public list can be find here:
Economic operators has marked almost all information in EU-CEG as confidential. The DSTA is currently awaiting the publication from Joint Action on
Tobacco Control, deliverable 5.1
“Report on the principles to distinguish what data is public on confidential”,
including a list of public and confidential
information submitted into EU-CEG and also a final clarification if the Commission will provide a publication tool of this information, or if this will have to be
done on a national level.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The manufacturers and importers are confused on how to builtd up a functional system. A joint EU system could possibly be preferable.
Has your Member State faced
any issues in requiring
manufacturers, importers and
distributers of electronic
cigarettes and refill containers
to establish and maintain a
system for collecting information
about all of the suspected
adverse effects on human
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
health of these products (Article
Has your Member State used
Safety Gate (formerly known as
RAPEX) or the Information and
Communication System on
Market Surveillance (ICSMS) to
report on adverse effects?
Have there been any instances
in your Member State of
economic operators
withdrawing or recalling unsafe
or non-compliant products, or
taking corrective action to bring
the product into conformity with
the Directive Article 20(9))?
Has your Member State
competent authority taken any
provisional measures against
manufacturers/importers of e-
cigarettes or refill containers
that comply with the
requirements of Article 20 but
could present a serious risk to
human health (Article 20(11))?
Do the TPD provisions
sufficiently cover all aspects of
emerging e-cigarette products?
Member State response
Safety Gate / ICSMS / both / none.
Please elaborate.
Yes / No.
Please elaborate, describing the products.
Yes / No.
Please elaborate, including when and how the Commission was notified.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
What relevant changes have occurred in the e-cigarette market since the Directive was implemented?
It could be relevant to address e-liquids containing THC and CBD-oils.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Member State response
The Danish Health Authority notes that the TPDII does not include all products, as it only covers products containing nicotine, and therefore not products
that the consumer can mix with nicotine and use as intended by the manufacturer after purchase.
Since the Directive came into
Please elaborate.
force, how many times has your
Member State taken actions
(such as product modification,
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have taken action
times against manufacturers or importers due to non-compliance related to e-cigarettes and refill containers.
product withdrawal, fines, or
other punitive measures)
against manufacturers or
importers due to non-
compliance related to e-
cigarettes and refill containers?
Has your Member State applied
Yes / No / To some extent.
similar provisions for non-
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
nicotine containing e-
The provisions regarding smoke free environments apply to both nicotine containing e-cigarettes and non-nicotine containing e-cigarettes. The ban on
sales to minors also applies to non-nicotine containing electronic cigarettes.
In December 2019, the Danish Government and a majority of the political parties in Parliament agreed on a national action plan targeting the use of
tobacco products and similar products among children and young people. The Bill implementing the national action plan will we introduced in 2020.
As a part of this Bill, manufacturers and importers of non-nicotine containing electronic cigarettes will be required to register and submit a notification to the
competent authority, the Danish Safety Technology Authority. As a result of the action plan, display ban and plain packaging will be introduced for both
nicotine containing electronic cigarettes and non-nicotine containing e-cigarettes.
Finally, the planned restrictions on the use of flavorings will apply to both nicotine containing electronic cigarettes and non-nicotine containing e-cigarettes
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have experienced difficulties regarding the definition of child resistance of an electronic cigarette. Manufactures and importers primarily / solely focus
on the risk of contact with the nicotine-containing e-liquid.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 20.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty/ challenges in the practical application of this Article
Danish Health Authority notes that it is primarily a challenge that the TPDII only applies to nicotine containing products. There is no clear definition on Art. 20, no. 3, e): except for nicotine, only ingredients are used in
the nicotine-containing liquid that do not pose a risk to human health in heated or unheated form and how this is to interpreted or checked.
1.5.13 Article 21 & 22: Herbal products for smoking / Reporting of ingredients of herbal products for smoking
Background and
key considerations
The directive provides
provisions on herbal
products for smoking,
including about health
warnings and reporting of
ingredients and
There may be issues
faced in implementing
these requirements,
Member State response
Has your Member State faced
Yes / No / To some extent.
any issues in placing health
Please elaborate.
warnings on packets for herbal
products for smoking; e.g. are
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Based on our updated information in our case handling system, we have not registered any herbal products on the Danish list of registered products at the
there any herbal products for
smoking which do not carry the moment.
warning (Article 21)?
Has your Member State faced
any issues in requiring
manufacturers and importers to
report the ingredients of herbal
products for smoking (Article
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Has your Member State faced
Yes / No / To some extent.
any issues in making submitted
information publicly available on
a website (Article 22(2))? E.g.
Please elaborate.
have there been issues with
economic operators requesting
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
information not be published
due to trade secrets?
Member State response
To some extent we have made the information regarding the herbal products for smoking public
when herbal products were on the market. We have not
made information regarding ingredients public.
Please provide a link to the publicly available list.
Currently we have no herbal products for smoking on the Danish market, but herbal products for smoking can be found at the same list as tobacco product
are listed on: list of registered tobacco products
What types of products are on
the market in your Member
State which are considered
herbal products for smoking?
Does your Member State apply
TPD provisions for herbal
products for smoking for certain
cannabis or marijuana products
placed legally on the market?
Please list the products.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Based on our updated information in our case handling system, we have not registered any herbal products on the Danish list of registered products at the
Yes / No.
If yes: What additional rules and provisions apply for them beyond the TPD requirements?
No herbal products for smoking are registered and thus placed legally placed on the market.
Since the Directive came into
Please elaborate.
force, how many times has your
Member State taken actions
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
(such as product modification,
We have taken action In 1 case against manufacturers or importers due to non-compliance related to herbal products for smoking
product withdrawal, fines, or
other punitive measures)
against manufacturers or
importers due to non-
compliance related to herbal
products for smoking?
Has your Member State
encountered any other
difficulties in the practical
application of the provisions of
this Article?
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Articles 21 & 22.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty/ challenges in the practical application of these Articles
1.5.14 Article 23: Cooperation and enforcement
Questions related to this Article should be addressed in parallel together with the costs-data template shared.
Background and
key considerations
The Directive describes
how it should be
implemented and
enforced. There may be
issues with compliance or
Has your Member State faced
any difficulties in ensuring that
manufacturers and importers
provide the Commission and
Member States with complete,
correct and timely information
requested pursuant to the
Directive (Article 23(1))?
Has your Member State faced
any difficulties in enforcing the
responsibility of the
manufacturer, importer or joint
responsibility of manufacturer
and importer pursuant to Art.
Has your Member State faced
any issues in ensuring that
tobacco and related products
Member State response
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including any actions your Member State has taken to enforce this obligation.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
In general no, at times manufacturers and importers have been reminded of their obligation to disclose all relevant information to the DSTA, in order for us to
carry out our market surveillance. Sometimes the manufacturers or importers have been unaware of the information they had to provide, but after clarification
from the DSTA, the information has been provided. Beside this we have not had to resolve to hand the case over to the prosecuting authority in order to take
further action.
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
If the manufacturers / importers do not submit all relevant information to the DSTA they will:
not be registered at the DSTA to market their products in Denmark.
receive a marketing ban for the relevant product
Yes / No / To some extent.
Please elaborate, including any follow up actions you have taken in this regard.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
which do not comply with the
Directive and its implementing
and delegated acts are not
placed on the market?
Member State response
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
It has proved difficult to enforce the requirements of the TPD on websites, especially those not located in the Union. The import of oral tobacco has also
proven difficult to stop.
What is your overall experience
Please elaborate.
with the enforcement of the
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Directive? Do you have
adequate staffing for
The DSTA believe we deliver an overall effective market surveillance with the funds allocated to handling the task.
enforcement activities such as
Has your Member State faced
any court cases related to
enforcing the Directive?
Yes / No.
Please elaborate, provide references when available.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
We have a current court case regarding the use of the term “royal” on a tobacco product.
What measures has your
Please elaborate.
Member State taken to ensure
that penalties for infringements
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
on the national provisions
Depending on the infringement the DSTA can issue and marketing ban, an order to withdraw products from the market, including from consumers or we can
transposing the Directive are
hand the case over to prosecuting authority in order to fine the economic operator for the infringement.
What has been the experience
of your Member State in
cooperating with other Member
States? Have there been any
helpful mechanisms to applying
the Directive in a harmonised
Please elaborate, for example correct application, matters of interpretation, or enforcement of the Directive.
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
The enforcement of the directive and the overall sharing of best practises hand been greatly helped by the Expert Group on Tobacco Policy and the
subsequent subgroups and the network developed through this. An subgroup purely focused on enforcement and better cooperation between enforcement
authorities we believe could further assist the enforcement of the TPD.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
Member State response
Do you consider that the
Directive is applied in a conform
Please elaborate, providing examples.
way across Member States?
Danish Safety Technology Authority:
Our understanding is that the Directive in an overall manner has been applied in a conform manner across member states. The implementation of track and
trace is still too recent to assess whether this is also true for this part of the TPD.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 23.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty/ challenges in the practical application of this Article
1.5.15 Article 24: Free movement
Background and
key considerations
Member States can but
are not required to
packaging of tobacco
Has your Member State
implemented plain or
standardised packaging for any
products (Article 24(2))?
Member State response
Yes / No.
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
If yes: Please describe when and for which products you have done this.
In December 2019, the Danish Government and a majority of the political parties in Parliament agreed on a national action plan targeting tobacco use among
children and young people. As a part of this action plan, plain packaging will be introduced to tobacco products - apart from pipe tobacco and cigars
electronic cigarettes and herbal products for smoking.
The directive also allows
Member States to prohibit
If yes:
Please describe any
certain categories of
challenges you faced when
tobacco or related
products, if they justify the
introducing and implementing
plain packaging.
Please elaborate on e.g. industry reaction, public support etc.
Possible issues with e.g. removing older packs from shelves immediately?
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 181: Spm. om oversendelse af regeringens svar på spørgeskema om evaluering af tobaksdirektivet, til sundheds- og ældreministeren, kopi til udenrigsministeren
Background and
key considerations
grounds for human health
If yes:
Were you able to
observe/measure any impact of
plain packaging introduction?
Member State response
Please elaborate on
your observations concerning prevalence/awareness/youth uptake etc. levels or possible economic impacts? Provide references when
Are any categories of tobacco
Yes / No.
or related products prohibited in
If no: are you considering it? Why or why not?
your Member State (Article
If yes: Please describe which products are prohibited, and from when (also if these bans pre-dated the Directive).
Not in our current legislation. Reference is made to notification number 2020-228-DK.
Please use this space for further explanation of any of the responses above, AND / OR any other observations you would like to share related to Article 24.
Please elaborate, including specifying the provisions of difficulty/ challenges in the practical application of this Article