Retsudvalget 2017-18
REU Alm.del Bilag 157
To the attention of:
Erik Christensen
Chairman of the European Affairs Committee
Parliament of Denmark
26 January 2018
Dear Chairman,
As Co-Chairs of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG), and
without prejudice to any future status of the delegation of the Danish Parliament
to the JPSG, it is with pleasure that we invite you to
attend as observer the
Second Meeting of JPSG, which will take place on 18 and 19 March 2018 in
Sofia, Bulgaria.
Taking into consideration the discussions held during the constituent meeting of
the JPSG in October 2017, this second meeting will provide the opportunity to
continue the work on the Rules of Procedure for the JPSG, with the hope of their
During the meeting, the JPSG will carry out its functions in respect to the political
oversight on Europol by holding discussions with representatives of the
management of Europol and the European Data Protection Supervisor. Among
the thematic highlights of the agenda will be the cooperation with the Western
Balkan countries, cybersecurity, and the fight against terrorism and organized
crime. Pursuant to Article 51 paragraph 2 point c) of the Europol Regulation, a
first exchange of views on the future 2020-2022 Europol Multi-annual Work
Programme will also take place.
Please, kindly note that your Parliament can be represented by up to four
members in the JPSG. You are kindly required to register following the procedure
described in the enclosed General Information. Please, also note that the
accreditation system for the registration will ask you to indicate a head of your
delegation at the time of registration.
REU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 157: Invitation til 2. møde i den fælles parlamentariske kontrolgruppe vedr. Europol (Europol JPSG) den 18.-19. marts 2018
The deadline for registering your delegation through the accreditation system is
2 March 2018.
We look forward to welcoming your delegation in Sofia. Please find attached the
draft agenda of the meeting, as well as the general information document.
Yours Sincerely,
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
Head of the Bulgarian Delegation to
the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group
Claude Moraes
Chairman of the Committee on Civil
Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs,
European Parliament
Annex 1: Draft agenda of the Second Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny
Group on Europol
Annex 2: General Information for the Second Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary
Scrutiny Group on Europol