Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2013-14
SUU Alm.del Bilag 268
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There is a clear association between wind velocity and the noise emitted from a wind turbine which is characteristic and
available for each type of wind turbine (25). We will use these data to develop a model for noise immission from all types
of wind turbines at all wind velocities. Based on these modeled noise levels for each turbine we will identify all dwellings
within the immission area of wind turbine noise using geographical information system (GIS), and the noise level at each
dwelling will then be calculated using the distance between the wind turbine and the dwelling. It will in many cases be
necessary to calculate the noise contributions from several wind turbines, which will then be summed for each dwelling.
Nord2000 is a highly accurate method for calculation of noise, verified by controlled measurements including
measurements of wind turbine noise (26). As calculations with Nord2000 are very time consuming and costly, we will use
a simplified version of the method
described in details in “Vindmøllebekendtgørelsen”
from the Danish EPA (27). We
consider this method to be well fitted for the considerable number of calculations needed for this project. In addition, we
will correct all modeled values for the attenuation that occurs when sound propagates in headwind (see appendix 1).
Simulated wind speed and direction time series at each wind turbine location in Denmark back to 1980 will be produced
based on the mesoscale wind analysis method developed by DTU Wind Energy and used in many studies (28-30).
These data will be provided at a spatial resolution of approximately 5 km and downscaled to each required location at a
1-hour or 3-hour resolution and at different levels, including 10 m above ground and hub height. The wind analysis
method makes use of the advanced Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model (31) and a dynamic downscaling
atmospheric reanalysis technique (32).
Sub-study 1: Day-to-day variation in wind turbine noise and risk for cardiovascular disease
Previous studies on traffic noise and risk of cardiovascular disease have focused on long-term noise exposure. One
reason is that there is little day-to-day variation in exposure to traffic noise. In contrast, exposure to noise from wind
turbines is associated with considerable day-to-day variation, which gives us a unique opportunity to investigate whether
noise exposure can lead to MI or stroke immediately after exposure.
Study population and design
Based on modeled noise immission from all types of wind turbines (see exposure section) we will identify all residential
addresses within the immission area using GIS and the official Danish address database (Den Offentlige
Informationsserver (OIS),
Subsequently, we will identify all persons who have lived at those addresses in
the period 1980-2012 by linking the addresses with the Danish civil registration system, thereby retrieving their unique
personal identification number (33). We will include all persons above 25 years of age at start of exposure (set up of new
turbine or moving into a noise immission area) who were exposed to noise from wind turbines in more than one year in
the period from 1980 to 2012. We estimate that this will sum up to approximately 10,000–15,000 persons. This estimate
is based on the following: 1) 7,500 wind turbines in Denmark (total of turbines in operation and cancelled), 2) for most
single wind turbines there will be one dwelling just below the noise limit value, as this determines the dimensions of the
turbine and the required distance to dwellings, 3) for smaller groups of wind turbines (typically 3-5) we estimate that 2-3
dwellings will be exposed just below the noise limit value, 4) for large wind farms with up to 100 turbines we estimate that
3-10 dwellings will be exposed just below the noise limit value, and 5) for both single and multiple wind turbine areas we
expect that in many cases there will also be dwellings within the immission area but at lower exposure than the limit
We will identify the persons among this exposed population that have been hospitalized at least once with stroke and/or
MI during the maximum of 32 years we follow them. We estimate that this will sum up to approximately 2,000 relevant
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hospitalizations during the study period based on information on number of yearly events of the two diseases
( We use stroke and MI as endpoints as we have previously found road traffic noise to
increase the risk for these diseases (3, 4). Information on hospitalization for stroke (International Classification of
Disease (ICD) 10: I61, I63 and I64) and MI (ICD10: I21.0-I21.9) in the period 1980-2012 for all exposed persons will then
be collected from the Danish National Patient Registry (34), and information on death will be collected from the Danish
register of causes of death (35) using the personal identification number. For all exposed cases with MI/stroke we will
calculate equivalent continuous A-weighted wind turbine sound pressure level (L
) at their residence for the each day
; 07:00–19:00 h), evening (L
; 19:00–22:00 h) and night (L
; 22:00–07:00 h) as described in the exposure section. The
low time resolution enables us to investigate health effects of wind turbine noise at different times of the day, which is of
great interest as one hypothesis is that exposure during night is particular hazardous (5).
We will use a case-crossover design, where we estimate the relationship between day-to-day variability in wind turbine
noise at each address and day-to-day variation in hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease (stroke and MI) among
people exposed to wind turbines noise. In a case-crossover study the noise exposure of a case person on the day of
hospitalization (and a few days before) is compared with noise exposure during a control period. The advantage of the
design is that each person is their own control and differences in socio-economic status and lifestyle factors are
accounted for via the study design.
Daily variations in air pollution and outdoor temperature could potentially confound the results. The majority of all Danish
wind turbines are placed in rural settings where air pollution levels are mainly determined by the regional background
contribution. Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University has historical daily measurements on regional
air pollution background levels as well as temperature which will be included in this study.
Statistical analyses
We will estimate risk using conditional logistic regression and compare the noise exposure on the day a person is
hospitalized with stroke/MI (lag 0) with the noise level on the same weekday within the same month (3 control days), with
adjustment for regional background air pollution and temperature. In addition, we will analyze various other time-
windows of wind turbine noise: on the previous day and up to 4 days (lag 4) before stroke/MI hospitalization and the
accumulated exposure over 5 days (lag 0
4) as well as exposure at daytime (07:00–19:00 h), evening (19:00–22:00 h)
and night (22:00–07:00 h).
Sub-study 2: Long-term exposure to wind turbine noise and risk for cardiovascular disease
We will use the unique Danish registers on wind turbines, residential addresses, health and socioeconomic status to
conduct the first prospective study ever on effect of long-term exposure of noise from wind turbines on risk for
cardiovascular disease.
Study population and design
The study population will consist of the 10,000-15,000 people (above 25 years of age) in Denmark who lived in dwellings
within a noise immission area of one or more wind turbines in 1980-2012 (described in sub-study 1) as well as
additionally 30,000 unexposed persons living just outside the noise immission areas of wind turbines, giving us a total
study population of 40,000-45,000 persons.
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Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses will be based on a Cox proportional hazards model with age as the underlying time, which ensures
comparison of individuals of the same age (38). We will use left truncation at age of enrolment into the population
(January 1st 1985 (to allow for calculation of 5 year exposure preceding event), moving into an area close to a wind
turbine (figure 3) or setting up of new wind turbine), so that people will be considered at risk from enrolment into the
cohort, and end of follow-up at the age at diagnosis of a cardiovascular disease (event), death or December 31th 2012,
whichever came first.
Exposure to wind turbine noise will be modeled as time-weighted averages the preceding 1- and 5-years at a given age.
These exposures (1- and 5-years) will be entered as time-dependent variables into the statistical risk model, thus for
each incident cardiovascular event recalculating exposure for all population members at exactly the same age as the
case and at risk at the time of the hospitalization for cardiovascular disease. Time-weighted averages will be calculated
based on 1) whole day exposure and 2) only nighttime exposure.
Estimates will be calculated crude and adjusted for a priori defined potential confounders: sex, level of education,
calendar year, individual and household income, affiliation to the work market and cohabiting status. We will also adjust
for distance to major road and traffic load within 200 m and 500 m of the residence as proxies for air pollution and road
traffic noise.
We have calculated the power of this study based on a population of 40,000 where one third of the population is
exposed. We have a statistical power of >90 % to detect associations of 1.10, 1.15 and 1.20 for all cardiovascular
diseases (9,000 cases), atrial fibrillation and flutter (3,000 cases) and MI (1,500 cases), respectively. Proc power, SAS
version 9.2, was used for these calculations.
Exposure to wind turbine noise is suspected of affecting health and concern for this is increasing among people living
close to wind turbines. However, very limited scientific data exists on effect of noise from wind turbines and risk for
cardiovascular disease or other major diseases. This study will therefore be among the first contributing to answer the
question of whether noise from wind turbines affects the risk of a major disease and has the potential to contribute in
providing guidance on regulations for human habitation close to wind turbines.
Results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented to the general population through
national media and popular science articles.
The Danish Cancer Society research group members have many years of experience in conducting environmental
epidemiology research, and have during the last years specialized in investigating health effects of noise. We expect no
problems in collecting and generating data and results for this study. Information on all Danish wind turbines is readily
available from The Danish Energy Agency and We have extensive experience in collecting, managing and
analyzing data from the national registers to be used in this study and expect no difficulties in gaining access to these
registers or in obtaining permission from the Danish Data Protection Agency. We also have extensive experience in wind
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speed and traffic modelling and the applicant has already been in contact with two acoustical consultant agencies
interested in modelling the wind turbine noise for the project. Many of the research group members have successfully
collaborated in several projects.
The project runs for 24 months:
Month 1:
The Danish Cancer Society and DTU Wind Energy will meet with at least two acoustical consultant
agencies to discuss and plan the wind turbine noise modeling. Based on this one consultant will be
selected and a contract written and signed.
The Danish Cancer Society will apply the Danish Data Protection Agency and national registers (OIS,
Statistic Denmark and ‘Statens Serum Institut’)
for permissions for use of data for the study.
The consultant agency will generate a model for noise immission from all types of wind turbines to be
used for identifying the exposed Danish dwellings.
DTU Wind Energy will model wind speed and direction time series at each wind turbine location.
Based on the modeled noise immission data the Danish Cancer Society will use the Danish address
database (OIS) to identify addresses of all Danish dwellings exposed to wind turbine noise as well as
unexposed dwellings for sub-study 2. Subsequently, these addresses will be linked to the Danish civil
registration system, followed by linkage to Danish National Patient Registry, Danish register of causes of
death and Statistic Denmark.
Based on wind modeling data and addresses of all exposed Danish dwellings the consultant agency will
model wind turbine noise for all exposed dwellings.
Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, will generate traffic proxies and obtain
information on historical background air pollution and temperature measurements.
The Danish Cancer Society will conduct the statistical analyses of sub-study 1.
The Danish Cancer Society will conduct the statistical analyses of sub-study 2.
The Danish Cancer Society will write scientific papers with input from all other research group members.
Month 2-3:
Month 2-6:
Month 4-5:
Month 7-9:
Month 10-15:
Month 16-20:
Month 16-24:
The highly interdisciplinary research team will be headed by the applicant Mette Sørensen. The expertise of the team
includes noise exposure, wind energy, register-based health research, use of GIS and biostatistics:
Mette Sørensen,
PhD, senior researcher in the environment and cancer research group at the Danish Cancer Society,
has many years of experience in environmental epidemiology. Since 2008 her research has focused on health effects of
traffic noise, which among others have resulted in publications that as the first ever showed exposure to road traffic
noise to be associated with risk for stroke and diabetes (3, 39). In March 2012 she received a 5-year starting grant from
the European Research Council to investigate health consequences of noise exposure from road traffic (QUIET).
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Ole Raaschou-Nielsen,
PhD, head of the environment and cancer research group at the Danish Cancer Society, has
many years of experience in health effects of traffic pollution, and participates in designing the study, choosing
consultant agency, dialog with consultant agency etc.
Rikke Nordsborg,
PhD student in the environment and cancer research group at the Danish Cancer Society. Rikke
mastered in geography and has extensive experience in the use of GIS. She will be responsible for identification of
dwellings in the vicinity of wind turbines using GIS, and for identifying persons living in the dwellings during the study
period and link them to national registry data.
Alfredo Peña,
PhD, senior scientist at DTU Wind Energy has extensive experience in wind resource assessment, wind
power meteorology and meso-scale modeling. He will be responsible for providing the simulated wind speed and
direction time series at the wind turbine locations.
All statistical analyses will be conducted by a
who will be employed at the Danish Cancer
Responsible for the modeling of wind turbine noise will be a
consultant agency
with extensive expertise within the area
of wind turbine noise. To ensure the best value for money at least two consultant agencies will be approached.
Matthias Ketzel,
PhD Senior Scientist, Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University has extensive
experience in air pollution modeling and will be responsible for generating traffic proxies and historical background
concentrations of air pollution.
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