Ligestillingsudvalget 2012-13
LIU Alm.del Bilag 3
Conference of the Chairpersons of Human Rights Committees2 – 3 December 2012Nicosia, CyprusIndividual Registration FormKindly fill in this form and return it by 2 November 2012 at:[email protected]Please complete this Form in CAPITAL letters
First Name:Last Name:
Function:Chamber and/ or Parliament:Address:Tel:Date of birth*:Identification document(*Mandatory fields for accreditation purposes)Dietary restrictions/ allergies:Other important information (Disabilities etc.):ArrivalDate:Flight No.:Time:DepartureDate:Flight No.:Time:Country of birth*:Country:e-mail:Fax:Nationality*:Passport No*:Identity Card No*:
Please note that the House of Representatives will not provide transportation from and to the airports.HotelHilton Cyprus HotelHilton Park NicosiaPlease note that hotel reservation MUST be made directly to the hotel (see Practical Information Note)I will attend:2.12.2012 – Dinner3.12.2012 – Lunch3.12.2012 – DinnerRequest for additional translation booth