Skatteudvalget 2019-20, Skatteudvalget 2019-20, Skatteudvalget 2019-20
L 72 , L 72 A , L 72 B
1 September 2016
Our reference:
Case nr. 2016019383
Mette Vesterskov
comments to the Danish Government’s reporting to
ILO on Conventions nos 87 and 98
number of the remarks made in LO’s letter of 23 August 2016 are in
line with the previous comments forwarded by the organisation, including
comments given in 2013. In light of this, reference is made to previous
reportings and remarks forwarded to the ILO by the Danish Government.
As stated in the Danish report, the conditions leading to the establishment
of the Danish International Ship Register (DIS) still apply. Traditional
shipping nations
such as Denmark
compete with a number of ship
registers all over the world, and Danish ships are still faced with fierce in-
ternational competition. Today, shipping has become even more interna-
tional by nature, and Danish ships are engaged in voyages all over the
world. The ability to easily transfer ships from one ship register to anoth-
er as well as ship owners’ ability to establish abroad remain basic condi-
tions of the shipping industry.
Ships registered in DIS are subject to regulations ensuring seafarers high
standards of social conditions, including conditions of employment.
Denmark is among the countries that have ratified the ILO Maritime La-
bour Convention, 2006.
In February 2016, the Danish Minister for Business and Growth informed
ILO on the state of play of consultations with workers’ and employers’
organizations in order to explore the possibilities to accommodate the
ILO Expert Committee’s Invitation to the Danish Government to engage
in a national tripartite dialogue with the relevant workers’ and employers’
organizations on Section 10 of the Danish International Ships Register
(DIS) Act.
The State of play has also been reflected in the Governments’ report to
ILO on Convention no 98.
It’s important to notice the Act on The
Danish Maritime Register of
Shipping does not prevent a seafarer from joining a Danish Union. The
translated report from a Danish Union, which has been enclosed, also
gives documentation of work carried out by Danish Unions on some of
the issues concerning non-domiciled seafarers. Thus, no amendments to
the report have been conducted following the letter from LO.
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