Skatteudvalget 2017-18
SAU Alm.del Bilag 208
John Hansen [mailto:[email protected]]
26. maj 2018 06:01
Folketingets Oplysning <[email protected]>; Bogense Havn og Marina <[email protected]>;
Kir <[email protected]>
Misbehaviour by yout Toll Officers.
My name is John Hansen, I am half Norwegian and half British by birth. My Danish is unfotunately
too poor to use in this instance and I apologise for this.
I hope to be writing to individual members of the Danish Parliment on this matter, but will wait to
see the response to this email before I take that option.
I currently await my Danish wife's retitement to see if she wishes to return here to Denmark, but we
currently live in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. She works, and I am retired.
I spent most of my private life building boats, and my lasy 25 year project is now moored at your
excellent marina in Bogense.
The boat has been there 2 years, and my wife and I have checked the necessary requirements
regarding visiting, sailing, and driving in the EU.
The time that any foreign vehicle is in Denmark in any 365 day period must be less than 182 days,
and we own 2 vehicles. I monitor border crossings accurately by date and they are in one safe
location, available by phone or email, should any verification be required. Denmark already has my
border and vehicle details and crossings, my dates make verifcation on each of the border crossings
easy. I also total up the days in the current rolling 365 day period.
I had the misfortune to witness just about the worst example of abuse by government officials that I
have ever seen, on 24th May 2018. I was approached by 3 officials and told that the recording I was
keeping was totally inadequate, mention of sleeping in vehicles was raised with no explanation as to
why this was relevant in my case, I was told to access the SKAT website and register my vehicle,
and that "I would have trouble" if I did not keep "proof" of my accesses to Denmark. Observation of
the site shows that this registration is not for casual visitors, which I believe I am.
There were 2 ladies and one man. The man tried to recover some level of dignity by suggesting I
kept reciepts of ferry travel, but I explaned that cash was not the issue, and that travel
documentation for each visit may be better. However, this would accumulate too much
documentation, and prove nothing, as the ferry does not come to Denmark from the UK, it goes to
France and my travel up through Europe is not verifyable, as per EU law, only national road
video/digital footage would partially prove travel up through the EU.
In the case of the visit by these officers to my boat and subsequent phone calls, the type of proof I
must hold in my vehicle at all times was unspecified, however what was made very clear was that
my record keeping would be unacceptable.
SAU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 208: Henvendelse af 26/5 og 1/6-18 fra John Hansen vedrørende kørsel i Danmark med udenlandsk registreret køretøj
The one person who was abusive and chose to interrupt me and misunderstand selective parts of the
converstaion seemed unwell, and over agitated. Her behaviour was so exteme that it even upset my
puppy ! It may have been her blood pressure or possible a thyroid complaint, but she seemed
As I am unable to keep video records of passing your checkpoints, and am unable to carry the levels
of dcumentation that your own offices already hold, it is therefore impossible to meet the
requirements of your team of SKAT officers. As I will not support maladministartion in any form,
and will not allow myself to be part of deliberate failure to keep 'the correct records' (which your
authorities will not define for me), I am moving my boat and will avoid assisting further abuse of
Danish visitors by your officers.
I hope Denmark can sort out its political and administrative issues, and it seems that both my family
and the marina are unhappy with the loss of my custom and company, but what seems clear to me is
that a deliberate effort is being spearheaded by some officials to make it impossible for regular
visitors like myself to meet deliberately non existent requirements. With over 20 years of
experience in governement I know exactly where this behaviour leads, and what pointless
administrative time wasting and costly abuse of taxes occur.
As I am not going to leave myself open to similar abuse, I will leave as soon as is possible, hoping
you can whip some dicipline into some of your staff. Please note that passport stamping or
documentary recording at the Danish border may contravene EU law, and any evidence I personally
record could easily be tampered with or be corrupted as it would be in a vehicle and even worse,
could just be held on a phone. The only way to sort such border analysis is by each party, (the
vehicle driver & Danish authorities), to agree the data to be kept in a professional and verifyable
auditable way.
There was nothing professional about the behaviour of your officers on this date. No names were
given, no official details were outlined (other than an aggressive pointing to the SKAT badge on
tunics), and the female officer bounced from subject to subject in a chaotic and frustrated mannor.
In summary:
The recorded data must hold:
The date of the border 'Crossing'.
The vehice 'Registration',
The 'Direction' of the vehicular movement.
Please move towards this model.
John Hansen