Europaudvalget 2017-18
EUU Alm.del Bilag 203
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
The Chair
To the Chairperson(s) of the committee(s) concerned
Invitation to the LIBE Interparliamentary Committee meeting on
“The European Agenda on Migration
- What about legal avenues and
on 24 January 2018 in Brussels
Honourable Chairperson,
The unusually large influx of migrants arriving in or attempting to reach the EU in the
last few years prompted a series of responses by the European Union, which the
European Commission framed in its European Agenda on Migration in May 2015.
Based on four pillars to manage migration better , the Agenda triggered the current
reform of the Common European Asylum System as well as the reinforcing of the
common border management, notably with the new European border and coastguard
agency (Frontex). It aimed also at reducing the incentives for irregular migration,
insisting on returns, the fight against smuggling and on a renewed approach to the
cooperation with third countries through readmission agreements and informal
In particular and important for the European Parliament, the Agenda announced as well
the launch of a new policy on legal migration and the intention to further support
effective integration measures.
More than two years later, it is time to take stock of the EU response to the current
migration challenge. Has it been as comprehensive as claimed by the Agenda and as
called upon by the European Parliament in its strategic report of 12 April 2016 on
Situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU policy on migration
On 11 October 2017, Commissioner Avramopoulos presented the Communication on
the Delivery of the European Agenda on Migration (COM (2017)558) to the
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), as responsible
Committee on all these files. Although this Communication includes initiatives to
reinforce resettlement to the Union, the LIBE committee wants to go further and
explore in particular those aspects of the asylum and migration policies that have been
least pursued under the European Agenda on Migration, which are the development of
legal avenues to the EU for third-country nationals, and of supporting measures to their
integration. In this respect, the LIBE committee also takes into account the importance
attached to the issue of integration by national Parliaments.
[email protected]
B-1047 Bruxelles - Tel +32 2 28 44943 - Fax 0032 2 28 44941
F-67070 Strasbourg - Tel +33 3 88 1 72577- Fax 0033 3 88 1 79040
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 203: Invitation til interparlamentarisk møde om migration 24/1-18
the LIBE Committee
would like
to invite Members of national Parliaments
to an
inter-parliamentary committee meeting
"The European Agenda on Migration - What about legal avenues and
on Tuesday 24 January 2018 from 9.00 to 17.15
in the European Parliament premises in Brussels.
The meeting will constitute a unique opportunity for Parliamentarians at EU and
national level to engage in a debate on topics touching upon competences in all spheres
of the European multi-level governance. Key issues such as legal avenues for
international protection, labour migration and family reunification, as well as the
opportunities and challenges of integration, will be on the agenda of the day (see draft
programme enclosed). National authorities, intergovernmental organisations,
academics and representatives of civil society active in the field will be present to
provide expert input for the relevant discussions.
I am therefore pleased to invite up to four Members of the relevant committee(s) from
each national Parliament (two from each Chamber in the case of bi-cameral
Parliaments) to attend this meeting. Additionally, they may also propose Members,
among those four Parliamentarians, who would be interested in making more
substantial interventions during the respective sessions on:
Legal avenues for international protection,
- Labour migration and family reunification,
- Integration - opportunities and challenges.
In accordance with the draft programme, these interventions should not be longer than
10 minutes and reflect the national perspective and approach, and present, where
possible, best practices. Please contact the LIBE Secretariat directly if one of your
Members would like to make such a presentation.
Practical details regarding the meeting will be forwarded in due course to your
Parliament's services for relations with the European Parliament.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to accept this invitation and I am looking forward
to welcoming you to the European Parliament on 24 January 2017.
Yours sincerely,
[email protected]
B-1047 Bruxelles - Tel +32 2 28 44943 - Fax 0032 2 28 44941
F-67070 Strasbourg - Tel +33 3 88 1 72577- Fax 0033 3 88 1 79040