Skatteudvalget 2016-17
SAU Alm.del Bilag 22
Resolution 2130 (2016)
Provisional version
Lessons from the “Panama Papers” to ensure fiscal and social
Parliamentary Assembly
The so-called “Panama Papers” scandal exposed how shadow companies and secret accounts are
used by many to hide taxable income and assets in tax havens. The revelations intensified public outrage
which had been simmering for years: citizens no longer wish to tolerate legal systems which allow taxation to
be easily avoided by major companies and very rich people as well as ill-gotten gains to be stashed away,
while they pay taxes on stagnant or even falling incomes. The “Panama Papers” led to a fall in people’s trust
in democratic, financial and tax systems as a whole, posing a threat to the fundamental values of European
society – including fiscal and social justice.
The Parliamentary Assembly is very much concerned about the scope of tax avoidance, tax evasion,
and even tax fraud in modern societies, now even demonstrably involving well-known companies and public
personalities, who should be role models of ethical behaviour. The Assembly considers that a higher standard
of ethics in politics and in the business world is essential to uphold our economic, social and democratic
systems. The Assembly calls for measures to ensure transparency in the business activities of politicians,
since opaque relationships between business and politics undermine the people’s trust in democratic
The right of access to information is a fundamental right applying to data held by government bodies
and in certain circumstances by private bodies, as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
and the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5). In this regard, the Assembly urges the
investigators to make available all data, referred to as the “Panama Papers”, with a view to allowing the
national law- enforcement bodies to launch their own national investigations and bring to justice those
involved in illegal activities, including corruption and tax evasion.
The Assembly stresses the importance of “whistle-blowers”. Their protection is of paramount
importance for reinforcing the fight against corruption. The Assembly recalls its
Resolution 1729 (2010)
Resolution 2060 (2015)
on the protection of “whistle-blowers”, and urges all Council of Europe member States
to properly protect individuals who report any wrongdoing to the benefit of our societies.
The Assembly considers that the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance requires new
legal or technical standards; what is urgent, however, is the effective implementation of the existing ones. The
Assembly, thus, recommends that the member States:
5.1. ensure an effective follow-up to its
Resolution 1881 (2012)
on promoting an appropriate policy
on tax havens;
Assembly debate
on 11 October 2016 (31st Sitting) (see
Doc. 14141
report of the Committee on
Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Mr Stefan Schennach; and
Doc. 14165,
opinion of the
Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, rapporteur: Mr Dirk Van der Maelen; opinion of the Committee on Legal
Affairs and Human Rights, rapporteur: Mr Mart van de Ven).
Text adopted by the Assembly
on 11 October 2016
(31st Sitting).
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SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 22: Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling Resolution 2130 (2016): Lessons from the "Panama Papers" to ensure fiscal and social justice
Resolution 2130 (2016)
5.2. join the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), if they have not yet done so, and
implement Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters on a multilateral basis
and via multilateral instead of bilateral agreements;
5.3. provide sound, transparent, stable and fair national tax systems, limiting “red-tape” bureaucracy
and fighting corruption to encourage companies and individuals to keep their assets in their country of
5.4. increase transparency by setting up a publicly accessible central register of ultimate beneficial
owners of all companies, foundations and trusts, requiring changes to the beneficial ownership
structure to be reflected in this register within a reasonable period of time, subject to dissuasive
penalties for non-compliance;
5.5. maintain close co-operation with the International Monetary Fund, the OECD, the United Nations
and the European Commission on improving the existing tax models and addressing emerging
5.6. commit more resources to financial investigation at national level and strengthen the training in
modern financial investigative techniques of relevant police officers, prosecutors and judges;
5.7. increase the international exchange of information and good practices on financial investigative
5.8. consider the need for legislative amendments to harmonise access to financial information at
sufficiently early stages of investigations into criminal proceeds;
5.9. develop stronger sanctions for banks and legal entities that assist in tax fraud, including the
temporary suspension or withdrawal of operating licences as well as the freezing of accounts and
5.10. make the OECD Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) Guidelines on tax challenges and tax
standards, that have already been agreed by OECD countries and the G20, the new global norm;
5.11. encourage the OECD, together with the Council of Europe, to review their joint Convention on
Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (ETS No. 127) with the aim of facilitating the creation
of an international tax co-ordinating body under the auspices of the OECD, capable of imposing
5.12. also develop new international rules jointly with the OECD to enable the direct taxation of the
income and assets of tax haven companies, thus bypassing the individuals and companies that set
them up and overruling existing legal impediments to such direct taxation, either by a new convention or
in the framework of the revision of the existing Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax
5.13. sign and ratify the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and its 2010
Amending Protocol (CETS No. 208) if they have not yet done so.
With a view to effectively combating money laundering, the Assembly recommends that member
6.1. ratify, if they have not yet done so, and ensure an effective implementation of the Council of
Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and
on the Financing of Terrorism (CETS No. 198, “Warsaw Convention”);
6.2. ensure effective implementation and technical compliance with the existing anti-money
laundering standards, such as the Recommendations adopted in 2012 by the Financial Action Task
Force and Directive (EU) 2015/849 (the 4th European Directive) in the legal, law-enforcement and
financial sectors;
6.3. pursue rigorously the process of anti-money laundering risk assessment and bring concerns
about possible shortcomings to the attention of the relevant authorities;
6.4. ensure the existence of effective and independent national Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs),
which are free of any political interference in their operational decision-making;
6.5. ensure that banks and other financial institutions apply the highest level of enhanced due
diligence with regard to complex international business cases and potentially high-risk customers; the
opinion of the Compliance Department should be decisive during the decision-making process;
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 22: Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling Resolution 2130 (2016): Lessons from the "Panama Papers" to ensure fiscal and social justice
Resolution 2130 (2016)
6.6. acknowledge the importance of international co-operation and increase the amount of
information that is spontaneously disclosed to foreign authorities without international co-operation
The Assembly acknowledges the need to restore citizens’ trust in the European democratic system,
inter alia
by preventing Politically Exposed Persons from using secrecy jurisdictions, and therefore calls on
member States to:
7.1. ensure that financial institutions and the Designated Non-Financial Business Professions take
particular care to identify Politically Exposed Persons, their family members and close associates and
that necessary enhanced measures are applied rigorously (including ascertainment of the sources of
7.2. ensure that such accounts are continuously subject to enhanced monitoring, and are actively
followed up by regulators in supervisory visits, while applying proportionate dissuasive sanctions where
failures are identified;
7.3. maintain Politically Exposed Persons transactions under enhanced surveillance for at least
five years following the end of the duties justifying this status.