Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
L 153 Bilag 4
Bundesverband der Dolmetscher
und Übersetzer e.V.
Der Bundesvorstand
Uhlandstraße 4-5
10623 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 88712830
Fax: +49 30 88712840
André Lindemann
Rosenstraße 14 C
15374 Müncheberg
Tel.: +49 33432 70459
Fax: +49 33432 70656
[email protected]
BDÜ e.V. · André Lindemann · Uhlandstraße 4-5 · 10623 Berlin
Ihr Zeichen
Your ref.
Ihr Schreiben
Your letter
Unsere Zeichen
Our ref.
Re: Proposed repeal of Translatørloven 1988
Dear Sirs / Madams,
BDÜ is the largest association of professional interpreters and translators in Germany, representing
more than 7,000 members many of whom are certified to work as legal interpreters and/or
We are writing to you in support of the Danish professional translators and interpreters regarding
the proposed repeal of Translatørloven 1988, which we regard as extremely unfortunate.
In recent years, the German government has in their new legislation increasingly recognized the
importance of qualified language services in the justice system, which is also one of the key issues
incorporated in EU Directive 2010/64/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 October
We were therefore astonished to learn that the Danish government plans to abolish an established
and hitherto exemplary system for providing such services to those working in the justice system
and the people concerned. There can be no doubt that legal issues are due to their very nature
often sensitive and of importance to those involved, as they frequently carry serious consequences.
Any translation or interpretation within that context has therefore to be accurate, complete, and
truthful, and is best provided by interpreters or translators whose personal integrity is in no doubt.
These requirements imply that any interpreter or translator rendering such services must and
should be properly qualified and, in terms of integrity, should be of proven reliability. Official
authorization of interpreters and/or translators is a good way to make sure that these requirements
are met and provide the legal professions or the authorities involved as well as the persons
concerned with a level of certainty and a promise of quality that should not be abolished lightly.
It should also be noted that, in our experience, quality language services can help to shorten
proceedings or to secure their outcome, which reduces overall costs and contributes to the justice
system’s efficiency.
Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ)
Mitglied der Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT)
Präsident: André Lindemann; Vereinsregister-Nr.: VR 22468 B - AG Berlin-Charlottenburg
Bundesgeschäftsstelle: Uhlandstraße 4-5, 10623 Berlin, Tel.: +49 30 88712830, Fax: +49 30 88712840,, [email protected]
Auskünfte werden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen, jedoch ohne Rechtsverbindlichkeit und unter Ausschluss jeglicher Haftung erteilt.
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Seite 2
des Schreibens vom 09.03.2015
We believe that our Danish colleagues would be pleased to work with you and are certainly able to
make a valuable input to your efforts of revising your Act in a manner that allows you to reach your
goals while upholding your exemplary standards, envied by so many.
Yours faithfully,
André Lindemann