Transportudvalget 2013-14
TRU Alm.del Bilag 220
Newsletter 2014 - 2


SwedenIn early February, thegovernment decided that theTransport Administration wouldconduct a quick investigationon the extension of a speedline in Sweden. The result ofthis investigation is nowcomplete and it is becomingincreasingly clear that the costof high speed trains is toohigh.Article in DI
Magnetic-train ScandinaviaGeneral AtomicsTest TrackIn the USA General Atomicscommissioned to develop a new typeof magnetic path. A type of magneticpath that can carry large loads,dense departures, good speed,cheap infrastructure and highflexibility. The result was a 120-meterlong test track in San Diego.Series – Magnetic trains around the globe
Welcome to the only inter-Nordicnewsletters about magnetic-trains.
Oslo to CopenhagenPart 2: To CopenhagenSerie – Skandinaviska delsträckor
Proceeds from the newsletter inJanuary in the series onScandinavian routes.This is not a professionalinvestigation, but only a few differentoptions over how a stretch wouldable to walk. Calculations are madewith the same program as theofficial investigation.Total distance: 270-320kmEstimated cost: £ 65-80 billionStations: 7-10Population Surface: 2.1-2.5 M cents.Total population: 3.2-3.8 metroDirect travel documents: ~760k/month
Further connecting: 1100k/monthKm cost directly: 78-97öre/km+ Connecting Oslo: 62-70öre/km
+ Connection Stockholm: 55-65öre/km
DenmarkIn Denmark, welcome to a newtransport minister, and wehope for increased interestmaglev-train issue.Earlier in late winter has aDanish delegation visitedJapan and test rode theShinkansen and also looked atthe SC-maglev.
Above: GA test track outside of San Diego,image source GA.
InternationalIn Russia, interest in magnetic-trains been growing the lastfew years. Among other wintercharacteristics investigatedwith great success, andmagnetic-transport-system hasbeen judged to havesignificantly better winterperformance than traditionalrail. Russia has examined thepotential for low speed, highspeed and also container-carrying magnetic-trains.High-speed maglevMore from russia
The track is used for prototypetesting of all container-carryingvehicles. The web can lift containerson two levels with a full load andmay resign as often as every 3seconds.In the future it is planned to utilizetechnology as a kind of conveyor forcontainers between terminals withvery high traffic to replace railservices primarily in the major cities.A full path is planned in Los Angelesbetween the port and a containerterminal inland of the town. A firststretch of 8km planned to be built, tofurther expanded to link togetherseveral terminals in the area. Thesystem is almost silent and verysmall operating costs. Top speed isaround 150km / h but lessappropriate in each containertransport.The system can be configured bothfor a beating-transport wheremultiple devices can be locked inthe magnetic field, or as a train-likesystems where trailers can becoupled to a train.
+ connecting both: 50-55öre/km(estimated using the same modelThe model is not optimized forconditions along the route andtherefore can distinguish one partagainst expecting real results)
See map overleaf. Departure fromGothenburg on the way south.Direct from Gothenburg, the webcan be coordinated with a path toStockholm for direct connection toLandvetter (Option Blue), or to gostraight down towards Copenhagen.Depending on the destination, trainscan stop at the only major stations(Landvetter-Halmstad-Helsingborg(Malmö)), or two-level departureselected may direct trains go theroute Copenhagen-Gothenburg(Oslo / Stockholm) and regionaltrains stop in small towns(Landvetter / Kungsbacka, Varberg-Halmstad-Ängelholm-Helsingborg-Helsingor / Lund-Malmö).Hallandsås does not preclude amagnetic path and the path may bepulled straight over the ridge withouteither bridge or tunnel. InHelsingborg, most likely, the lastabout 4km built with tunnel.South of Helsingborg, the track cango strait to Helsingor-Copenhagenalternatively southward through theLund-Malmö.Continue 2nd page
Copenhagen in connection with theramp to continue in the tunnel thelast kilometers to the central station.If desired, you can track laterexpanded through Copenhagen ontowards Copenhagen or Malmö tocreate a direct connection.If we follow the red path further fromHelsingborg to Lund-Malmö, soopening track from the Helsingborgin the existing track-corridor, thenpulled further inland towards Lund.In and out of Lund, the web can bebuilt directly vertically above theexisting tracks on to Malmö.From Malmö on to Copenhagenand/or Kastrup need a newconnection to be built. A magnetic-track can not use the existingconnection. A direct link from Malmöto Copenhagen C or Kastrup can beconstructed as an immersed tunnelwhich is significantly more costeffective than following the drawthrough the City Tunnel and theÖresund-bridge that exists today, italso gives a much shorter journeytimes with a platform to platformjourney time of about 6 minutes.If a route is selected that does notconnect to Malmo, such aconnection can be maderetrospectively cost-effectiveFurther connection to Aarhus orOdense can be connected via cost-effective north-connection or anexpensive but high preformingsouthern connection.
Image Source - General Atomics, the pictureshows the two levels of permanent magnetsthat grips the track.
The permanent magnets operatingan induction current in the forwardpath. The advantage of this methodis that the energy required to lift thetrain is the same regardless ofspeed. Also the basic speed to getthe cart to lift, unlike SC-maglev isenough 2-5 m/s, depending on howheavily loaded the wagon is. Beforethe wagon lift so it rolls on wheels,but it is also possible to use thesecond magnets to lift the cartbefore the required speed isreached.
Technology ExplainedHow does General Atomics maglev
Continue from page 1. Gothenburg toCopenhagen
If we follow the path across thechannel (green) so we need a goodfive kilometers long immersedtunnel and another 2-3 kmexcavation tunnel at the Danishside.South in Denmark, the trackadvantageously further inland toavoid the densely populatedcoastline, to fold toward
General Atomics uses in his systema combination of induction track andLIM motors. The permanentmagnets are mounted in thecarriages to thereby minimize theneed for expensive magnets.Permanent magnets are used bothfor lifting the carriage and todissolve the LIM that drives thetrolley forwards. In this way, the carsare fixed to the magnetic field unlikeLinimo.
Image Source - General Atomics. Thepicture is of a hybrid system
Picture above, a system can beseen where the combined GAmaglev with a traditional magnetictrack. This enables, for example,carry heavier items such ascontainers, or to use an existingspår as a container "conveyor belt"during night time.General Atomics