Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del Bilag 562
30 June 2014
On the establishment of a Commission working group on the role of national parliaments in the EU
Dear Mr. President-designate, Dear Mr. Juncker
We would like to congratulate you on your nomination as President of the European Commission.
We are confident that under your presidency, the European Commission will continue to be a positive force
for developing the European Union’s democratic legitimacy and not least for the political dialogue with
Member State national parliaments.
Democratic legitimacy is crucial for the European Union. But in the wake of the economic and financial crisis,
there are signs that this democratic legitimacy is fading. Europe needs a new relationship of cooperation
between the Union and its member states. Only together we can rebuild trust in the European project.
We – the signatories of this letter – therefore call on the new European Commission to set up a
working group, to include national parliamentarians and representatives of the EU institutions, to
look at the role of national parliaments in the EU. The task of the working group should be to draft an
action plan on ways to strengthen the role of national parliaments in the European Union.
Legitimacy and support for European decision-making must be built from the level of citizens upwards. The
European Parliament is an important voice for European citizens and plays its part extremely well. But
national parliaments and the European Parliament each have their own distinct roles, and they have a joint
responsibility to ensure that the European Union becomes truly accountable and democratic.
Effective involvement of national parliaments is fundamental to ensuring accountability, and legitimacy, for
the actions of the European Union. A stronger and more direct say for national parliaments in European
decision-making will encourage national parliamentarians to engage more in European affairs and to take
responsibility for policy output. National ownership of European decision-making is vital for increasing
citizens’ faith in European policy solutions.
It is generally agreed that national parliaments have important roles in scrutinising their national
governments’ approach to European affairs, and in acting as guardians of the subsidiarity principle. Scrutiny
procedures must be continuously reviewed and improved. Likewise, improvements in the procedures for
considering subsidiarity and proportionality are needed.
Meanwhile, there is a growing consensus among national parliaments that their role in European affairs must
go beyond monitoring the principle of subsidiarity and scrutinising national governments. National
parliaments must play a more active role in European decision-making.
To this end a number of proposals have been put forward by the Dutch Tweede Kamer, the UK House of
Lords and the Danish Parliament. These proposals are all designed to respond to questions such as:
Tweede Kamer:
Ahead in Europe - Report on the role of the Tweede Kamer and national parliaments in the EU
- May
2014. Folketinget:
Twenty-three recommendations to strengthen the role of national parliaments in a changing European
EUU, Alm.del - 2013-14 - Bilag 562: Brev til Juncker fra de nationale parlamenter
How can we design a democratic framework that matches the European Union’s increased role and
powers regarding economic governance, while still respecting the prerogatives of national
How can national parliaments contribute actively to the good functioning of the EU?
How can we ensure that European citizens do not regard themselves as alienated from European
These questions could be among the topics addressed by the proposed working group.
We wish you every success in your new responsibility as Commission President.
Please accept the assurance of our highest consideration.
Best regards,
Eva Kjer HANSEN,
Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament
Raymond KNOPS
Chair of the standing committee on European Affairs of the Netherlands House of Representatives
Chair of the Committee on European Union Affairs of the Swedish Parliament
Chair of the EU Select Committee of the UK House of Lords
Sir William CASH
Chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee of the UK House of Commons
Chairman of the joint Committee on European Union Affairs of the Irish Oireachtas
Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Hungarian National Assembly
Agnieszka POMASKA
Chair of the EU Affairs Committee of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Republic of Poland
- January 2014. House of Lords, European Union Committee, 9 report of session 2013-14:
The Role of
National Parliaments in the European Union
- March 2014.
The United Kingdom doesn’t have a written Constitution, but has its own Constitutional Arrangements, which differ from
the other 27 EU Member States.
EUU, Alm.del - 2013-14 - Bilag 562: Brev til Juncker fra de nationale parlamenter
Gediminas KIRKILAS
Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the Lithuanian Seimas
Radu Bogdan TIMPAU
Chairman of the Europen Affairs Committee of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies
Anca Daniela BOAGIU
Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Romanian Senate
Miroslav KREJCA
Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Czech Senate
Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs of the Czech Chamber of Deputies
Karlheinz KOPF
Chairman of Standing Subcommittee on European Union Affairs of the Austrian National Council
Chairman of the EU Committee of the Austrian Federal Council
Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Latvian Saeima
Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Slovenian National Assembly
Janvit GOLOB
Chairman of the Commission for International Relations and European Affairs of the Slovenian National
Chairman of the Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System of the Croatian
Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign and European Affairs of the Cypriot House of
Danielle AUROI
Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the French National Assembly
Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the French Senate
Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the Parliament of Slovakia
EUU, Alm.del - 2013-14 - Bilag 562: Brev til Juncker fra de nationale parlamenter
Chairman of the European Affairs Committee of the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal
Hon. Luciano BUSUTTIL
Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Foreign and European Affairs of the House of Representatives of
Chairwoman of the Grand Committee of the Finish Eduskunta
Chairman of the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union of the German Bundestag
Chair of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Cooperation and Immigration of the
Chambre des Députés of Luxembourg