Socialudvalget 2012-13
SOU Alm.del Bilag 333

Disabled People International – Tirsdag den 3. September

Fra DPIs international hjemmeside: “Established in 1981, the International Year of DisabledPersons, Disabled People's International (DPI) was the world's first successful cross-disabilityendeavour to convert the talk about full and equal participation of persons with disabilities intoaction. Till today, 30 years after it was formed, DPI continues to be the world's ONLY cross-disability Global Disabled People's Organization (DPO).DPI is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada and has a presence in more than 130 countriesthrough its Member National Assemblies (MNAs) spanning across 5 regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America & Caribbean. The MNAs are focused oncapacity building, and empowerment of people with disabilities in their countries and over halfof them are based in the developing world.DPI's goal is to achieve full participation of ALL persons with disabilities in the mainstream oflife, through promotion and protection of their human rights. DPI's focus is particularly onthose in developing countries who form 80 percent of the world's one billion people withdisabilities and 20 percent of the world's poorest and most disadvantaged people.”
DPI i Japan:Den japanske underorganisation blev oprettet i 1986. DPI i Japan har, ligesom deninternationale version, også opnået store resultater – bl.a. været inddraget i forbindelse medlove parlamentet har vedtaget. Her i Tokyo har organisationen tidligere været kendt for at sættefokus på de ringe forhold fysisk handicappede personer har i forbindelse med metrosystemet.Kampagnen vedrørende forholdende omkring metrostationer spredte sig til mange andrejapanske byer, og resulterede i at Transportministeriet bl.a. opførte flere elevatorer påstationerne.