Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10
MPU Alm.del
Bilag til besvarelse alm. del spørgsmål 837
Jord & MST-700-00034Ref. LosDen 30. juni 2010
Detaljeret beskrivelse af Orica HCB-affaldet
The composition of the HCB waste for export is detailed in the table below. The description of the wasteprovided in the table is based on the origin of the main components comprising the HCB waste, which isvery heterogeneous. The HCB waste includes both highly concentrated and dilute wastes, some of thewastes are volatile and highly odorous and the wastes are in diverse physical forms including liquids,tars, solids, wood, clothing, and large structures such as concrete and steel tanks.EUCodeWasteDescriptionBaselApplica-tion(Tonnes)5000Description
HCB and Chlo-rinated wastecontaining HCB
HCB Waste (87%) with minor amounts of other chlorinatedhydrocarbons. Dry, crystalline solidWet HCB/Heavy Ends/Organic Sludges - mixtures of HCB(23.3%), HCBD (21.2%), HCE (52.6 %) and other chlorinatedhydrocarbons. Range from wet crystalline solids to somedrums that are primarily liquid with some volatile constituentsOrganic Carbon - largely carbonaceous material from varioussources, containing approximately 0.4% HCBEDC Heavies - polymerised EDC tar solids form the opera-tion of the BPR Unit, containing about 0.3% HCB, plus othersolids in long-term storage in concrete tanks with similar HCBlevelsEDC Lights - polymerised solids settled from EDC Lights,both from the closure of the BPR unit (stored in 200L drums)and earlier Vinyls operations (stored in concrete tanks).Some material contains trace HCB scheduled chemicals fromcross contamination in storageNote: For practical purposes this includes used packagingmaterial mixed with waste in new packages
Concrete, grit,and material,contaminatedwith HCB
PPE - used personal protective equipment form past drum-ming and re-drumming campaigns, containing trace contami-nation.Sludge, Concrete, Grit, Catalysts - contaminated demolitionwastes arising from the demolition of the Solvents plant (con-crete, bricks, graphite, rust).Pallets/Drum/Plastic Liner - material stored from past re-drumming campaigns. Trace contamination with HCB wasteonlyActivated Carbon - spent carbon ex Vinyls Plants, and SSUPlant operation
Crushed pack-
200L drums previously containing the HCB waste, the pallets
aging, contami-nated with HCBTotal6,100
on which they sit and the plastic liners in the drums